[ Chapter 5 : Relics ]

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Y/n's pov.  

" Wolfsbane are toxic itself, alchemy just made it more lethal to the wolves like venom " I said.

" Oh, I thought wolfsbane is just one of the ingredients " Lumina said, I shake my head.

" Nope " I said and we put the categorized books on the shelf.

" Well, now I know " she said.

" So where's your fairy? " I asked and Lumina snickers.

" He's running a few errands for me, his name is Dillon " she said.

" I can't imagine living in a village all my life and never going to school " she said, I snicker.

" My parents can't afford to pay, so I left and decided to work at the same time " I said.

" You left, they don't know your here? " She asked, I shake my head.

" But I'm here so, time to make a life " I said then grab a book from the cart.

I read the label and back up to see where the empty space and the same color as this book cover, it's high up at the top.

" Umm, how do I put this up there? " I asked.

" I got it " Elvenia said.

" Are you sure? " I asked and she nods.

I see her rolling up her imaginary sleeve and hold the book from it's spine, I let go and she drops immediately but soon got it. She flap her wings hard and I watch as she bring it up to the shelf, she puts it in and I hear her sigh in relief before flying down to me.

" Are you okay? " I asked, she nods.

" Piece of cake " she pants but then catch her breath.

" Couldn't you use your pixie dust to make it fly? " Lumina asked and Elvenia just sigh.

" I forgot I was a fairy " she said.

" Speaking of cake, I'm starving " Lumina said.

Now that she said that, I haven't eaten anything since this morning.

" Yeah, I could use a break too " I said as I put my hand on my stomach.

" Let's go to the cafeteria " Lumina said and I nodded.

" Esmus, we'll go on a break " I said.

" Take your time " he just waves his hand while his eyes are still reading a book.

We leave the library.

" Elvenia, you should eat too, we'll be back " I said.

" Okay, see you later " she waves and flies away.

Lumina and I walk down the hallway as I just follow her down to the cafeteria,  when the door opens we both duck to when the entire room has food thrown all over the place.

" Of course, someone declared food fight " Lumina said.

" Should we go somewhere else? " I asked.

" Nope, there's a table at the back where the food shouldn't reach, first things first let's get some pudding " she said and I follow her.

We approach the lunch lady and she serves us our tray before Lumina leads me to the back pass the people throwing the food. I sort of notice how the lunch lady wasn't even bothered by it, she really must hate her job. I saw something coming and I stop in track as a food splatters on the wall next to me.

" Perfectly made mashed potatoes" I said.

" Let's go " Lumina chuckles.

We finally made it to the back table when I notice three familiar people eating by the table Lumina mentioned.

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя