[ Chapter 96 : The Ritual ]

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Y/n's pov.

I hear the faint crying of my daughter as well as struggles of Jemma through the hallway and I move faster while holding my axe and my side, I'm so tired but I am forcing myself through it.

" Malia! " I shout as my voice echoes.

I couldn't tell if she's upstairs or downstairs in the cellar, however I hear the sound of panting and rapid footsteps around the corner, I quickly move myself against the wall and raise my axe as I prepare myself. It gradually gets closer and closer until it was the right time for met to move out of the corner and scream out while swinging my axe. Before I strike down, the realization hits in to see Jemma screaming back at me in fear and a cut on her head, we calm down and I pant.

" Jemma "

" Y/n " she exhales in relief.

I look around frantically and see her arms are empty,

" Esmé, where's Esmé? " I asked and she catches her breath.

" Miss Malia has taken her upstairs, to your room " she said and my eyes widened.

I run pass her and towards the stairs.

" I tried! " I heard her shout out and I keep running.

I ignore my pain, panting and controlling the way I breathe to not run out of stamina, once I made it I wince and lean against the wall, I look down at my palm where dried and fresh blood staining me. I clench my hands and hear Esmé crying louder and I grunt as I push myself up and grip my axe tighter while running towards my room, I can see the open door and the sound of chanting.

I turn to the door and see Malia kneeling on the floor inside the pentagram she made with Esmé lying on the floor where she was before, she's chanting the incantation loudly with the dagger on her left hand pointing down to Esmé and the chalice beside.

" Get away from her! " I run towards her and swing my axe.

She suddenly dispersed into moths and I get them out of my face before turning around, faint voices like echoes still heard of her chanting and I turn around where the moths come together and form Malia.

" Stop this " I said as I crouch down with Esmé behind me.

I put my hand over Esmé's belly to hopefully calm her down from crying, Malia stands there as her mouth doesn't move with the incantation I'm hearing.

" Too late Y/n, I'm almost complete with my ritual, step out of the way and I'll make the grieving process quick " she said.

" Your father hoped you'd turn away from this " I said.

" My father knows nothing but collect things that he shouldn't, it was his own fault " she said.

" Please stop, this'll be the last time I ask you " I said.

" Then let's keep it that way " she said as she keeps holding the dagger.

I stand up and hold my axe up.

" Let's end this " she smirks.

I run towards her and ready to swing as she stayed still when in the corner of my eye I saw something flying towards me so I duck and Laurence's desk just collide against the wall then block the door. I look back at Malia and I was startled when she kicks me in the chest, I grunt when I hit the floor with my axe being thrown away from my grip. She gets on top of me and strike down her dagger, I grabbed onto her wrist before she could even plunge it but just the tip of the blade stuck in my torso, making me groan in pain.

" Admit it!, You love your immunity gift!, Join me and I can make you stronger!, You'll be unstoppable!, No one can hurt you again! " She said.

" You think that's the best way of living?!, You just made a ticket to your own funeral! " I said.

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt