[ Chapter 10 : A Secretary ]

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Y/n's pov.  

" Derek was right, magic doesn't effect you in any shape or form, so how'd you do it? " Miss Layla calmly asked as I sit here on this stool while Vaeril treats my bleeding nose.

" I don't know " I said.

" Your lucky we got there in time, what the hell are you doing outside? " Derek asked as he stands there arms folded.

" I just wanted to see the city " I said.

" Seems like curiosity got the best of you " Vaeril said and finish cleaning my nose.

He puts away his medical stuff.

" No other injuries that are visible to me, but I will check again next thing in the morning " Vaeril said.

" Thank you, Vaeril, and sorry for waking you up at this hour " Layla said.

He nods and walk away with his supplies while I still sit here.

" You still haven't answered my question " Derek said, I stay silent and look away.

" Elvenia? " He asked and I see she flies next to me in silence as well.

" You do know the rules of this school very well Elvenia?, I'm sorry but it's an unacceptable action, I'm disappointed at you, now please head back to the library, you will lose your flying abilities for a day " Layla said, Elvenia gasp and I turn to them.

" Let her go, I was the one who convince her to go with me, please, she has nothing to do with it. . .it was all me " I said.

Derek then look at Layla.

" But Y/n– "

" It's okay " I said then turn to her.

" You may leave, Elvenia " Derek said.

Elvenia turns to me first and I gesture my head for her to go and she flies out of this room through the small door.

" May I see that? " I look at miss Layla who gestured to my wrist.

I look down where my silver bracelet is, I cover it and pull back my hand.

" It's nothing " I said.

" It's alright, just a quick look " she said.

I hesitantly take it off my wrist and pass it to her, she holds it carefully as I watch.

" It's a unique accessory for it to be nothing, where'd you purchased it? " She asked.

" I didn't, it was my birth parent's " I said.

" Birth parent's? " She asked, I look at Derek and he takes the bracelet from her hand.

" It was left with her when she was abandoned " he said.

" What are your histories? " She gestures to me and Derek.

" He found me in a dumpster, then dump me again in another crappy family who abandoned me too " I simply said.

" I couldn't take care of you back then, so the Bridgers family volunteered to adopt you, he was a trusted friend " he said.

" And that trusted friend of yours volunteered to made sleep with the living stock, you remembered the day I got sick, don't you? " I asked.

Derek then turns to Layla again.

" So she's the one you've been visiting all these years? " She asked, he nods.

She then looks back down at my bracelet.

" I've seen this somewhere before, in another city from here, a prestige family, the L/n's if I'm not mistaken, their heirlooms are based on the snowy owl, it symbolizes protection and magic, could be the answer to your immunity to magic " she said, I snicker.

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