[ Chapter 25 : Geology ]

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Y/n's pov.   

" So, why'd you want me to bring Lulu? " Elliot asked as the door shut behind him and I smile.

" I need to borrow her paws for like five minutes " I said and he stops in place.

" Your not experimenting on her are you? " He asked as he hugs the cat and stand there.

" No, I'm not, relax, I need some references " I said and he hesitantly approach me.

I pick up the palette which already has the color pastel pink, aquamarine teal, strawberry peach and peacock blue color paints on it.

" Whoa " I look up at Elliot who's staring at at my canvas.

" Your the second person to know this so hush " I said.

" Are you going to give it to grandmother? " He asked.

" I haven't painted anything this big before and it's my first time to ever use real paint, so I'm trying to be as careful as I can be which involves focus and lots of thinking " I said as I look at the canvas which is fifty percent done.

" It's so detailed " he said while staring at the specific painting.

" Anyways, do you mind? " I asked and he looks in confused as I hold the side of the canvas.

" Oh right " he put down Lulu and help me carry the canvas and put it on the floor.

" Did you bring her favourite snack? " I asked, he nods then reach in his pocket to take out a small bag of treats.

Lulu didn't even wait and approach him as soon as she hears the treat shaking.

" What do you want me to do? " He asked.

I place the palette on the floor and Elliot pick up the cat as he pass the treats to me and I open the bag to see its some sort of biscuits. I take one out and Lulu didn't even wait and eat it from my hand, I chuckle.

" It's her favourite " Elliot said.

" I said bring her favourite " I said then take another one out.

I hold it in my hand and close my fingers around it before she eats it, she sniffs my hand and start licking. I start leading her down the palette as she walks on the paint, some even mixed but it doesn't matter and I lead her down my canvas. She keeps following down the surface to where I want her to step and her trail of paw prints is paste perfectly.

" Her paws are huge " I said.

" She is a lynx after all, Lulu the lynx " he said, I chuckle.

" Why'd you pick that name? " I asked.

" The treats she likes " he points to the biscuit I have in hand.

" They're called lulu krispies " he said.

" Oh, cool " I said.

Once it was done I put the treat on the floor and she munches on it.

" Okay, let's bring this up before she walks over it again " I said.

Elliot help me put it back on the stand successfully and I secure it in place. I step back to see how the colors have combined and mixed wonderfully.

" Perfect " I smile then pick up my palette.

" We gotta clean her paws before she licks it " I look at Lulu who's still eating and there's some of her paw prints on the floor.

I set down my palette on the table then pass Elliot a bowl of water with a rag and we sit on the floor.

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon