[ Chapter 61 : Was Home ]

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Y/n's pov.  

I knock on the wood holding up the tent and Heidi turns around from her coffer.

" Hey " she said.

" There was a hunt today, too bad you missed it " I said and lean against the pole with my arms folded.

" Not in the state I was in, I heard you caught a nice stag, congratulations, seems like your hunting skills hasn't gone away " she said then put on the leather corset.

" What were you doing with Laurence three days ago back at the village? " I asked.

She stands there pulling the strings.

" We were just getting to know each other, nothing happened if your worried, I know you love him " she said and I approach her.

I grab her strings then pull it back as her breath hitched then hold her side with a wince.

" Don't go near him again, the last thing I want is him getting hurt " I said then tie her lace.

" And you think sucker punching Paige was a good idea? " She asked.

" Your ears seems to be everywhere " I said.

" She's a high noble, if I recall a higher noble rank than you " she said.

" You know me, I don't care about ranks " I said and she chuckles.

" Just like the old days " she said and I finish up her lace as she turns to me.

" Syrene was a bitch I have to admit " she said.

" We're looking forward not backwards, I came to also tell that dinner's ready, try to get something to eat before the boys finishes the food " I said then walk away.

" He's a keeper " she said, I stand by the entrance and look at her over my shoulder.

" Paige isn't compatible with him, I see that now " she said.

" It's good to have you back " I said, she smiles then I leave the area.

I hug myself to the cold and head over to my tent, while walking I see the troops from the south has return and there's already four wagons with bodies and I see Derek on his horse all spaced out and blood all over him. I can tell it's not his and there are a few wounded ones but manage to be on their own horses. Miss Layla just following behind with sergeant Crowley all exhausted.

" They went through hell " I look to my right and see Rowena standing next to me.

" Haven't we all? " I asked, she sighs.

" We got news from the outer lands, dark creatures are closing in their village, we're about to set out to the village tomorrow at first light since it's a few days ride " she said.

" Okay, I'll get ready " I said.

" Wait " she grabs my hand and I turn to her.

" What? " I asked.

" The village we're going " she said.

" What about it? " I asked.

" It's Kaigon "

~ Time Skip ~

" I hope their alright " Heidi said.

" Not so sure if they'll be happy if they see me " I said.

" Probably not, because I told them you were dead " she said.

" I won't be surprise if he hit me first before I even say anything " I said.

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now