[ Chapter 65 : It's Okay ]

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Y/n's pov.  

I watch as Laurence sit on the bed with his eyes close and hands on top of each other across his chest, he's been like this for three hours, saying it's meditation to restore strength of his magic. Honestly I think he's sleeping and I don't know if that's comfortable, his ring is glowing and that's just that.

He told me not to disturb him so. . . .

I get off my bed and walk over to him and sit down behind him.

" Laurence " I peek over his shoulder.

I squint my eyes when there's no reaction, I move to his left and lightly blow air at his ear. I didn't even get a single twitch from that, pouting to how bored I am right now and Gael's out getting supplies. Apparently he lives just outside the town and we've been in the house for another month because Laurence's rib is still healing. His magic is getting stronger by the day and he said that meditation with magic helps speed up the process.

I wonder how mom is holding up

I still think he's sleeping, I get up and stand in front of him with my hands on my hips then bend down to him.

" Laurence~ " I brush my finger on his nose.

No reaction, not even a crack of smile, I sigh and kneel down on the floor.

" Laurence wake up!, I'm bored! " I cry out and whine.

I sigh again before resting my head on the mattress, he has his legs crossed so I sit up still on my knees and grab his shoulders then start shaking him. I stop after a minute and still he sit there unbothered so I give up with a groan of frustration and sit down on the floor with my legs crossed and my back facing him.

" Stupid meditating shit " I lean back with my arms folded.

I sigh out loud one last time and lean my head back looking at him.

" I hope everyone's alright back home, at least Gael was nice enough to give news of it while we're here " I said.

About the war, it's still ongoing and last we heard was dark creatures have been eliminated faster than we anticipated. The harder ones are obviously taken time and less villagers has been attacked. Judging from the speed of the elimination, the creatures might be gone by another three months, as for the actual war it was already been discuss between the two kings for peace and king Atticus has agreed on assisting so things are going to be done by spring.

If my calculations are correct, because spring is actually around the corner.

I suddenly felt a soft touch on my chin and I gasp to look up to see Laurence awake, I didn't have time to react and he kiss my forehead. He looks down at me with a smile and I smile back.

" You couldn't wait can you? " He asked, I just smile brightly and shake my head.

I get up from the floor and launch myself at him.

" I'm bored! "

" Oh!, Broken rib!, Broken rib! " He pats me and I chuckle and pull apart as I sit on top of him

" Don't care " I peck his lips and he chuckle.

~ Time Skip ~

I unsheathe my dagger and see how it's still intact and sort of blunt.

" I'm happy your leaving " I sheathe my dagger and turn around to Gael who's standing there with a hand on his hip.

" Are you that desperate to get rid of us? " Laurence asked while he tends to the horse.

" Yes, I had to do twice the cleaning in my house and twice the money, this is why my kids are dead " he said, I raise a brow.

" What?, Am I wrong?, I strongly don't recommend kids " he said, I just awkwardly chuckle before turning away and mount the horse behind Laurence.

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now