[ Chapter 92 : It Was Her ]

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Y/n's pov.   

" Is it noticeable? " I sniffle.

" Your adorable with a button nose " Laurence kiss the tip of my nose and I pout.

He chuckles and just attack my face with kisses, I whine and pull his hands off when it was too much. I look away with my cheeks warming up and he give one last kiss on my lips.

" Can we go see Esmé now? " I asked and he smiles with a nod.

" Let's go "

He interlocks out fingers and I rub my nose while we walk and I use my sleeve to make sure my face is dry and it does feel warm right now. We head down the hallway and I start to hear faint cries.

" Is that. . .? " Laurence trails off.

" Esmé! " I let go of his hand and we both run at the same time.

I see Faris, Yeshua and Declan is attempting to open the door by ramming their shields.

" What's going on?! " I asked and hear Esmé crying louder insider.

" It's Malia!, She's the one who's behind all this " Yeshua said.

" The door is locked from the inside with black magic, our magic is useless " Declan pants as he holds his shield.

I see Annette already tried to use the key. I clench my hands into fist and I try the door myself, I hear crying and shuffling inside.

" Give her to me! " I hear Malia shout.

" Malia! " I scream and slam the door with my fist.

" Nothing's working " Faris said.

" Move " Laurence pulls me away.

He casts a spell under his breathe before punching his fist at the door and I shriek when he flew off the ground and hit the wall.

" Laurence! " I rush to him and he groans as Annette and I help him get up.

" The black magic, it's so strong " Yeshua said.

Laurence grunts and I see him holding his side.

" My rib " he winces.

" Y/n! " I look up and see Lumina and Rowena running towards here.

" It's Malia " I said.

" I knew it! " Rowena said.

" The door has a barrier on it, black magic, we can't open the door " Laurence said.

" This isn't happening " I said and hear Esmé scream again as I run my hand through my hair.

Yeshua and Faris attempt ramming their shield again with some magic but I can see the barrier in between.

" Maybe my phoenix flame can help? " Rowena asked.

" And burn down the house? " Lumina asked.

" I have some control over it, trust me, it's the only thing stronger than black magic " Rowena said and I hear Esmé scream again.

" Okay " I nodded and back up.

Yeshua, Faris and Declan stood in front of the others with their shields.

" Stay behind us " Faris said.

" I'll be fine " I said as I clench my hands.

I watch as Rowena conjure the phoenix flame onto her hands and the other, she faces her palms together to make raging fire towards the center and make a ball.

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now