[ Chapter 18 : Rules ]

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Y/n's pov.  

" Why did we leave the horses again? " Rowena asked as we walk through this forest.

" The forest is thick and filled with creatures, if the horses die, we'd take a bit more longer to get back home " Mrs. Zvahl said.

" If this is a dangerous journey why bring us along? " I asked and hop on a log to grab a branch then swing myself on top of a tree.

" It's a part of being mages isn't it?, We're trained to fight " Mrs. Zvhal said.

" Oh " I said and hop to another branch and use my arms to balance my walking.

" How'd you get up there so quick? " I look down at Laurence who's following Mrs. Zvahl.

" I always climb trees back at home just to get lemons " I said.

" Couldn't you just shake the tree? " Garroth asked.

" Are you strong enough to shake a tree? " Katelyn asked.

" No "

" There's your answer " she said.

Mrs. Zvhal chuckles, I hop to another tree and notice it's an apple tree, I pick one and see it's ripe.

" Here! " I toss down and Laurence caught it.

" Thanks " he said and wipe it on his sleeve before taking a bite.

" Give me one " Travis said.

I grab another and toss it.

" Mind if I have one? " Rowena smiles up at me.

I turn to my right where a big branch is with a few apples, I use my dagger to cut it off when it's not that sharp anymore, I then just break it off and throw it to the ground.

" Ah! " Garroth and Travis hugs each other.

" Hey!, You could've killed us! " Travis said.

" You all can have your share now " I said then hop to another tree ahead of them.

" Y/n!, Please get down!, You'll get hurt! " Mrs. Zvahl said.

" Okay " I sit down on a branch and swing down as my legs hook around my legs.

" Boo! "

" Pickles! " Mrs. Zvahl steps back and I laugh.

" Pickles? " I asked as I hang her.

She sighs in relief with her hand on her chest.

" Don't do that again " she said, I smirks.

" No promises " I said.

She walks pass me and see Katelyn and Rowena eating their apple, I swing myself off the tree and land on the ground. I brush some dirt off my sleeve when I felt a small tug on my hair and I look up to my right to see Laurence taking a leaf off my hair.

" Thanks " I said and he smiles.

" Let's go " he gestures his head and I walk with him.

I blow a single strand of hair out of my face and the moment kept repeating in my head of him removing the leaf. The look on his face was just a little cute if I'm being honest. We continue to walk through this forest passing some rocks with moss on them and a few muddy area.

" Ugh, damn it, not my boots! " Rowena whines looking at her muddy boots.

" You'll live Rowena " Mrs. Zvahl said as she ducks under a branch.

I've notice the path we're taking is getting a little narrower.

" Is it just me or we're lost? " Travis asked.

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now