[ Chapter 83 : Baby & Friends ]

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Y/n's pov.  

" Awe!, Look at him, he has Declan's nose! " Said the woman looking at the baby in Celeste's arms.

" He does doesn't he? " Celeste smiles.

" There's something about that nose " the woman said.

" I know right?, It's like a natural smolder " Celeste said and they both chortle.

" His nose is big and his biggest insecurities " I said.

They both look at me with a chuckle.

" Y/n " the woman hugs me and I hug her back.

" Hey Amy " I said.

" It's been a while, how are you? " We pull apart and I smile.

" I'm all good " I said.

" And pregnant " she looks down at my abdomen and I giggle.

" Everyone's got to live a life " I said, she smiles back at me.

" Take good care of yourself " she said, I nodded.

" I will, but anyways, may I hold my nephew? " I bring my hands up to the infant.

" Your not even waiting for my answer " Celeste said as she pass him to me.

" I don't care " I giggle as I hold him.

He's bundles up in a nice silk fabric which is a design of a flower branch. He's sound asleep even with the noise of this party right now. I smile and admire his adorable face and his cheeks are so chubby and his lips are sort of pouting a little.

Declan and Celeste has already moved to a new house and we're here celebrating.

" You'll be having a cousin soon " I whispers.

" Soon is a little too early " I look up and see Laurence approaching me with a glass of drink.

" Your mother told me to give you this " he said.

" What is it? " I asked as I take the cup.

" Don't know, something about good for the baby " he said.

I take a sip of it and it's fruity so I put it down on the table.

" Wanna hold him? " I asked.

" Can I? " He asked, I nodded.

" Of course, you have to know what it feels like when you hold our child " I said and he snickers.

I pass Azriel into his arms and I put where his hands are supposed to be. He has a smile on his face which is adorable and I grab a muffin.

" Never held a baby before? " I asked.

He shake his head and smiling like an idiot while I bite my muffin.

" Could you imagine?, Us holding one of our own " he said and I chuckle after swallowing my muffin.

" Yes, I can " I said.

" Really? " He looks at me and I nodded.

" I have a very good imaginary " I said, he chuckles.

" If you really wanna see it, I can paint one for you " I said.

" Can you? " He asked.

" Have you seen my drawings? " I asked and he hums in response with a smirk.

I hit him teasingly.

" Hey!, You don't want me to drop the baby " he said, I chuckle then put down my muffin.

" Okay my turn again " I said as I put up my hands.

Artistic Love【Laurence X Reader】[ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now