I cried out feverishly, feeling my orgasm coming on fast and hard. Yoongi must've felt me tightening around him because he pressed down hard on my clit, causing my legs to tremble. I was panting and moaning, swirling my hips faster and faster as I chased my high. I yelped when Yoongi suddenly reached up and grabbed the front of my top and yanked me down until I was flush against his chest.

He held me firmly in place, locking his arms around my waist, and started to pound up into me. I moaned loudly as my orgasm started to hit me. Yoongi grabbed the back of my head and pressed his forehead to mine as he came with me. My toes curled as I felt his hot cum spurting inside of me and hitting my walls. He groaned, pressing himself deeper inside of me as the last of his own orgasm faded away. We clung to one another, breathing heavily as our bond sang in pleasure.

I felt absolutely euphoric. I never knew sex could feel this way. Was this what it felt like when you truly loved the other person? If I kept following that train of thought, I probably would've ended up in tears, but Yoongi suddenly surged up and flipped me over onto my back. I gasped and looked up at him, my heart absolutely coming to a undone at the sight above me.

"Good morning to you too, aein," he said in a gravelly voice before he leaned down to kiss me once more

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"Good morning to you too, aein," he said in a gravelly voice before he leaned down to kiss me once more.

He pulled back and slowly slid out of me, causing me to wince. I felt our combined releases beginning to leak out of me and into my lopsided underwear.

Yoongi stood up and smirked down at me. "Keep those on today. It'll be a reminder of who you belong to."

I gulped and my cheeks flamed. He laughed as he grabbed a few clothes and then left the room.

Oh, Yoongi, I thought, I do belong to you. Wholeheartedly. But do you belong to me too?


After I finished showering, I walked into the kitchen to find Yoongi once again at the stove.

"You sure like to cook don't you?" I asked lightly as I went to grab a coffee cup.

He smiled. "I do. After years of feeding seven guys, it just comes naturally to me now."

I set my cup on the counter and considered him for a moment. I clutched the hem of my shirt nervously as I asked, "Do you think, would you maybe...could you teach me to make some of your favorite dishes?"

He turned to me, his eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Is that something that you'd like?" he asked.

I bobbed my head.

He slowly smiled. "Come here."

I nibbled my lip nervously and went to stand before him. He gently tugged me over to the stove in front of him and his arms came around me. He then leaned down and said into my ear, "Today we're making congee. It's one of my favorite things to eat for breakfast. Right now, all that is really left is to poach a few eggs into the mixture."

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