Chapter 200. The Death Empress.

Start from the beginning

Tatyana had always thought that the best method to find happiness is through love, so she has tried to seriously love a lot of different creatures throughout her hundreds of thousands of years. And I say creatures because there were non-human and even non-humanoid creatures between them. However, even when she has been with a lot of people, she has only been, on average, in a single relationship per 10 000 years.

Even if finding happiness through love was the method she chose, she didn't want to become a flower-trampling woman. She knew that honesty and loyalty were the base of every relationship, so she wouldn't try to find someone directly.

Tatyana had always tried to get to know a person for hundreds of years, and only then will she try to be in a relationship with them. However, to Tatyana's dismay, every single relationship ended badly. Be it with her partner cheating, becoming too possessive, them falling into greed for her power, or even Tatyana herself becoming tired of a relationship that had become insipid with no love left.

There were also cases of her partner becoming too lustful for her and only seeing her as a sexual tool and nothing more. The last one happened more than Tatyana would like to because, honestly, she was a master in sexual relationships. Not even Dual Cultivators at her strength level could compete with her.

Right now, Yasenia was the person she had become a couple with the fastest after she passed the 1 000 years. In just 18 years, Tatyana was sure that Yasenia was the one, that her little treasure would be able to fill the void in her existence for time to come. Therefore, instead of waiting for hundreds of years as she had always done and seeing how Yasenia developed, she attacked fast.

The reason Tatyana had this feeling was that when she saw that Oliver and Yasenia were becoming closer and closer, panic entered her heart for the first time in tens of thousands of years. Tatyana couldn't even remember when was the last time she felt that emotion, that something very precious was about to be snatched from her.

And for the moment, she didn't regret it one bit. These last three years, and even the previous eighteen with Yasenia, had been the best for Tatyana. She felt that the world was beautiful again, that the world was colorful again, that her heart could pound for someone again. She even wanted to have Yasenia's children, a house filled with hers and Yasenia's children!

This was a true first for Tatyana. Tatyana had never, ever in her life wanted to have someone's children, not when she was young, not when she was in the middle of her life, and not even five years ago. She had even gone as far as to use an ancient formation that could kill her just to get pregnant!

This new wonderful feeling of wanting to feel her belly grow with Yasenia's child only appeared in her heart after Yasenia's impregnation attempt that day. She felt so euphoric that she lost control of her body and almost killed Yasenia at that time through pleasure.

Therefore, if someone even dares to hurt this person. This first daughter who was like a piece of flesh in her heart. Tatyana swore that she would use every means to make those with these intentions suffer a life worse than death!

The only reason Tang and Long families were still standing was that Tatyana wanted Yasenia herself to destroy them; she wanted them to regret making her daughter their enemy. And then, she will add every single living being in those houses to her undead army to make them serve her and her daughter for eternity.

These thoughts flashed in an instant in Tatyana's mind. She reflected on the information she had about that demon, and a single name came to her mind, one from more than 40 000 years ago. Tatyana silently cast [Absolute True Zone] to confirm her doubts and then asked. "You are Jurtok's mother, right?"

The Demon Empress answered with ease and showed slight confusion. "I don't know what you are talking about so suddenly. Does it matter whose mother I am?"

The Demon Empress's facial expression didn't change while answering, except a muscle fiber that twitched beside her lips. However, Tatyana's eyes didn't lose this imperceptible twitch, which made her smile disdainfully. 'Trying to lie to me; not even someone ten times stronger than her could do that. However, why would she want to hide it? Does she have a plan for something that includes Jurtok? If I ruin this plan... Wouldn't it be delightful?'

While they were speaking, many sect masters and beast leaders did the same as Tatyana, carrying the juniors inside the portal at their fastest speeds. Even after they heard that they had done something to the portal, the sect master knew that a battle of very high proportions would blow up shortly after. Therefore, their options were to either carry their juniors inside and hope for the best or let them die because of the aftershocks of the battle outside while they fought against the Demon Monarchs.

At first, the Demon Empress and Demon Emperor wanted to stop them. Instead of letting the juniors go inside, they rather exterminate them outside and let their own juniors gain the advantage.

However, after Tatyana's display, they became more cautious. No matter how much the Demon Empress bragged, she was calculating things inside her head.

At this time, the Demon Emperor's rumbling voice echoed. His burning eye sockets looked at the Demon Empress and said. "It doesn't matter if the juniors escape; our objective is to kill all the seniors here and weaken all their races."

Tatyana asked with an obvious mocking tone, "You want to kill every one of us? To kill me?"

Tatyana looked around at the demon army gathered with exaggerated gestures and pure contempt in her red eyes. There were at least 600 Demon Monarchs beside the two Demon Sovereigns and innumerable lower-level demons. Tatyana looked back at the Demon Empress and Emperor and her lips raised in a mocking sneer. Tatyana spat her words with dripping ridicule. "With just this?"

Tatyana began walking in the air toward them as if she was walking on stairs toward her throne, completely unafraid. Her aura was already tangible, bending space around, and her disposition was like an Empress walking down the hall, exuding elegance, power, and beauty all at the same level.

Everything around her, every gesture, every step, every single thing was fit of a ruler that looked down on the world as if everything was below her.

This was the real Tatyana.

The Death Empress who looked down on everything.

The Death Empress with innumerable beings under her.

The Death Empress who was able to see through Fate itself and control it.

Ruler of Undead and the living alike, with a strength that instilled fear and reverence in everyone that dared cross her path.

Then, everyone froze as her garments changed, and she walked slowly toward the Demon Emperor and Empress.


Author Note: Chapter 200! 430 000+ words uploaded, what a crazy thing, almost half a million words. I hope you keep reading the novel and liking it, and don't fear commenting if you don't like something or on the contrary want to see more of another thing, I read and take into account your opinions if I find them interesting!

Chapter 201:

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