Chapter 190. Pampering her little fox. Andrea's previous partner reappears!

Start from the beginning

Tatyana smiled pridefully, 'My little treasure is different from me. She has a good head over her shoulders and is responsible for the people surrounding her.'

Tatyana sighed with emotion, 'If I had even a tenth of Yasenia's attitude when I was young... How many things would have gone differently?'

Yasenia put on her clothes and helped Kali put on some without bothering her cultivation. She had already seen her body and didn't intend to do anything more with Kali. Tatyana stood up and disappeared, leaving some words for Yasenia to hear, "Alyssa's soul is suffering a lot, so don't worry little treasure."

Yasenia's ears perked, and she looked toward Tatyana's room. Then, she smiled gently and shook her head. 'Mom is always one step ahead...'

Yasenia chuckled and sat beside Kali, waiting for her to absorb the abundant energy and observing her new appearance.

Her skin seemed to have become more supple, and her aura was much steadier. The scars on her face had turned pink colored and lost all the scary colors, reducing the scariness of her face by a lot. Now, although they were deforming her face, looking at Kali would not be as unpleasant as before for the others. Furthermore, one could see the previous exquisite face below all those scars.

(Author Note: Her face is equal to the one in her illustration)

Yasenia couldn't help but look at her face with a smile. 'I bet she will be happy.'

Then, her eyes gravitated toward the new body parts on Kali's body. Yasenia blushed a little, 'I-I really want to pet her! Her ears and tail look so fluffy, and glossy, and soft, and ahh!! My little fox is so cute!'

Sadly Kali was cultivating, so she still couldn't pet her. Dear Kali didn't know that a predator had locked her gaze on her! Would our poor Kali survive the attack?

The eventful night went by and morning arrived.

Yasenia didn't leave Kali's side; she was waiting for her to assimilate all the energy she had gained. Moreover, her presence reassured Kali, allowing her to immerse herself in selfless cultivation and speeding up the process.

The others more or less knew what happened, so when morning came, they passed by Kali's room to greet Yasenia. When they saw Kali's transformation, all of them were speechless, and Angel had to be controlled, or she would have jumped on Kali's big fox tail. However, after telling them that Kali was cultivating and that it was an important period, all of them left without bothering them anymore.

Kali's cultivation went on for a week. And Yasenia didn't move from her side, cultivating together with her. Then, another thing happened to Kali on the day that Kali stopped cultivating. Yasenia saw with happiness as Kali's body began secreting a foul-smelling black substance from all her pores. The smell would make anyone gag, but Yasenia looked at it happily. "Cleansing of impurities! Did this happen because of her bloodline? She must be expelling all the residues from the pills she had ingested!"

After expelling impurities, a cultivator would have an easier time when circulating energy, and their body would become stronger. Their efficiency when absorbing pills would also become higher, and their lifespan would also become longer. In short, they were all benefits.

As a remark, Yasenia didn't need to expel impurities because her body had no impurities. The reason was that Yasenia's body was extremely efficient and didn't create waste, and the [Beauty Pill] she ingested only increased these properties. Not to mention these recent things, all the things Tatyana fed Yasenia while she grew up were a lot. Even if she had never eaten the [Beauty Pill], the chance for Yasenia's body to create impurities was minimal.

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