We arrived at the club and piled out of the cars directly in front of it.  The Security guards took one look at the group of us striding towards the door with determination and waved us all through.  We were all in basic black, apart from Kirstie and Iris, so I guessed we must have appeared rather intimidating, especially since Pegasus and Marcus had gun holsters visibly attached to them and a sword hilt rose above Tank's head.  Not to mention everyone was a prime specimen in their own right.  Where the women were examples of female perfection, blonde, brunette and red-haired sirens, with curves in all the right places and looking flat out gorgeous in their battledress, we on the other-hand were more than that.  Where the women appeared as Valkyries, ready to go to war for their cause, we just looked deadly.  Ranging in size from impressively tall to medium height, lanky to bursting at the seams with muscles, we were all examples of masculine war machines.  Every pair of eyes flashed with determination, we were going to bring Zass back from the brink by force if necessary even if we didn't want to go to that extreme.  Whatever happened we were ready to take on anything.  We'd been victorious over Ascalonians, Demons and Werewolves and we were going to be victorious over one single Vampire.

When we entered the Club, we stood in the door and waited for our eyes to adjust for a second before Tank and Cerberus moved over to the booths to look for evidence Zass had been there.  Fr Rinaldi went with them and stopped at the booth where Jake and Mario and the two Queens still sat in lust-filled stupor.  Marcus and Jezebel went to check the bathroom stalls and after making sure they were clear returned to stand with the others.

Tink was nibbling on Jake's ear and Mario had Bambi in his lap.  Fr Rinaldi frowned at their glazed eyes and examined the closest neck.  Tink being the last to have been fed on, had been left with the largest amount of damage to her neck.  Zass had been focussing on other things by then, so the hickey that bloomed around her bite mark wasn't enough to hide the still closing fang marks.

He nodded at me and I came over to look at her neck.

"Where did he go?" I asked her.

"Where did who go Sweet Thing?" she asked, smiling up at me.

"The man who gave you that hickey." I said.

"Oh, he left Honey." Bambi assured me.

"He just left?  Noting happened?" I said making sure I caught Bambi's eye for an honest answer.

"Oh, that one can have me anytime." She assured me and waved a limp wrist under my face.  "But it's true, he left already."  Jake and Mario nodded in agreement earnestly and then went back to entertaining their companions.

"Right." I nodded towards the door and we all trooped out again.

When we got outside, I stopped and concentrated on the night, the living things around me and then expanded my search to include both life and inanimate objects in a four block radius.  I could feel the rush of cars as they flitted through the reaching fingers of my ability, the empty and not so empty apartments and offices and the people that were on the streets.

My attention was grabbed immediately by a large group of people to our left.  I focused in on them and began to make out grunts and noises of exertion and I knew Zass was there.

I waved in that direction and we clambered back in the vehicles for Tank to follow me as I revved the SUV and slammed the accelerator down, heading in the direction of Zass and whatever conflict he was involved in.

I'd left the club and was walking past the mouth of the Alley where I had left my inebriated and groaning adversaries as I went into the club. I turned my head to glance into the gloomy opening and that's when the shit hit the fan.  I was suddenly surrounded by a large number of very aggressive combatants, more than one who had already tasted defeat at my hands and also fresh meat for the grinder.  Obviously some of the jokers I had blown through on the first round had shaken off the whammy and had called for reinforcements.

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