Chapter 55 "The goosebumps start to raise"

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The crown fit on my head as well as in my dreams, it was a beautiful crown, I wore a beautiful dress and I started to believe I was a beautiful girl too. I looked around to the whole high school watching me there, with my crown and princess dress. Tonight I was a queen, the prom queen, but doesn't every queen need a king? At least at prom.

I looked at Ethan, I smiled widely knowing between every student in the gym my smile was for him, he put that smile on my face after all. Ethan also smiled, not as widely but I enjoyed seeing smiles sneaking into his lips. I greeted at him as queens do to what he responded with a bow that got a chuckle out of my lips.

"And now, the 2024 prom king is..." The teacher took her time to open the envelope. "Ethan Jones!"

I looked at Ethan again, kinda nervous to check his reaction, he was visibly disconcerted now that he hadn't signed up for prom king at any moment, I did it. I signed up both of us for prom kings the day I went to the school office and while I made campaign for myself I was actually doing it for us, there was no way I would get the crown without Ethan getting a matching one.

Ethan didn't move, he looked at me slowly figuring out who was behind the title he had just earned, to which I shrugged with a shy smile. J.D nudged him as Molly rushed him to go with me.

"What have you done?" He whispered in my ear when he stood beside me, the teacher held the crown to put it on him but I stopped her.

"I promised you a crown..." I grabbed the king crown from our teacher's arm and placed it on his head. I smiled at Ethan widely afterwards, the crown suited him.

I brushed away a wide lock of his hair, when I looked up Ethan was smiling me back.

"It was one of the oldest promises we have made." He pointed and my mind went back to that bunk bed disguised as blanket fort, where we first hid from everyone in our castle.

It was the first promised we had made, he promised me a castle and I promised him a crown. Ethan gave me my castle, this time disguised as apartment in Toronto and it took me years to find a crown good enough for him, maybe a prom king crown didn't bring him any kingdom, maybe it just brought him some pictures with me in the school yearbook under the tittle 2024 PROM KINGS, but I thought it wouldn't my dream if Ethan didn't take part in it.

"It was," I assured somehow getting lost again in what I didn't know anymore if it were his eyes or his soul. "With this everything gets paid for."

I loved our smiles, I heard the photographer taking pictures of the coronation and I didn't think of moving, I didn't want to pose, just to smile. I was sure those pictures will look beautiful, we were asked to pose properly what annoyed me but we did it either way.

There it was, the formal picture of the kings.

The peopled cleared the dance floor for our royal dance that this time we could dance without improvisation, just how we practiced it. I felt vertigo going up the pit of my stomach when we took over our initial position. It wasn't a bad feeling, I think they were just the nerves of the butterflies before they learned to fly. It will turn into raising goosebumps when the dance started.

A chuckle of happiness escaped my lips when the song was played throughout the gym's speakers. What were the chances of a The Neighbourhood song to be chosen for the royal dance? I think it made my dream more dreamy, The Shinning was a song I have always felt something special for, it might be the lyric, the melody that made me want to dance as if nobody watched or the fact that one of my most precious memories was screaming that song with Ethan when that last album of our favorite band came out.

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