Chapter 39 "I could see it on your face, it was rough"

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I looked at the cafeteria food holding back a repulsive grimace. Mother had repeated to me plenty of times that you mustn't make repulsive grimaces to food, less in public.

It wasn't what a polite lady should do.

What didn't stop the food from deserving that grimace. Ethan noticed it, I had known him for a week and four days, in which we spent that first week in the room of opaque glass walls yet I had the feeling that he paid a lot of attention to me and so did I.

I must admit I didn't expect to see Ethan again after that first week, deep down I had a feeling that I would meet again with the red eyed boy with whom I seemed to have so many things in common, however I didn't expect him to approach me in school the following Monday after the Sunday we were set free.

Ethan hadn't left my side ever since, he was new in the city, new in the country and new in the school. I wasn't very popular what he sure has realized but he didn't seem to mind, he made friends with Foster Lockwood, actually he has made plenty of friends since he decided to join some sport team the very first day.

He has spent four days here and he's already popular, I envy his ability to socialize though I'm happy for him.

I'm also happy that he hadn't ditched away my friendship, he has cooler options after all.

"Is the food always as bad?" He asked copying my grimace of disgust.

I giggled for myself.

"Always." I assured looking up to him, Ethan frowned deepening the grimace.

"Yuck!" His voice raised at the same time he threw away from his tray a meatball covered in an unappetizing sauce.

We shared a complicity look that somehow allowed me to predict what would happen. I didn't even know him for two weeks and I already knew what he was thinking about.

The meatball arrived on the table from in front of us, Sabine let out a horrible scream when the piece of meat landed on her purée splashing on her face and clothes.

That was the start.

Ethan threw away another meatball, this one to another table, then he threw a slice of carrot to the table next to ours, to Foster to be more exact. Foster turned around and threw back at him a branch of broccoli covered in that non unappetizing sauce.

I had to laugh when the small tree hit his head, dirtying his hair, from then on more and more people joined the little food fight until it became massive. A massive food fight taking place in the cafeteria encouraged by my friend.

At some point of the fight when you had to bend if you wanted to be safe Ethan stood up, running his arms through the table he threw to the floor our trays, then he stood up on the table.

I couldn't believe he was standing over a school's cafeteria table in the middle of the food fight he had started.

"Go up." He reached out grabbing my hand so I would follow his commands.

I did as he said between laughs and being target of more than a couple of meatballs.

"You shouldn't start revolutions!" I had to raise my voice so he could heard me, there was a terrible noise in the cafeteria.

"What are you talking about? I'm the life of the party!" He assured bending down right away to avoid a banana someone threw us.

I took some time to really look at him... he truly looked like the life of the party.

Diamond: The Promiseحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن