Chapter 46 "You know what your mama went through"

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I felt like an intruder in my own body wearing a dress, I wasn't going to a party. The dress was black, halter neck and loose short skirt, nothing too fancy, more like basic. I matched it with some black heels and tried my best to leave behind the dark eyeshadows. I really wanted to look good and decent, I wanted to help J.D and Molly as much as I could.

J.D picked me up at half past seven, on the way to his house he told me everything I had to know about Neron, though there were things I was already aware of. J.D's parents have been divorced for six years, J.D told me that at first his father rented an apartment not too far from his mother's house and Neron and him spent a year switching from their mother's place to their father's each week, then their father moved to São Paulo in Brasil and they began to spend just holidays and the whole summer with him.

Molly got pregnant when Neron was in his Senior Year, about to go to the university of São Paulo -where he had looked forward to going for a couple of years- with a scholarship as the amazing hockey player he was.

Neron was supposed to decline São Paulo's university offer. He was supposed to enter some Canadian university not too far from home also with a hockey scholarship but he didn't. You could say Neron ran away to South America but is that his father supported him in all his decisions. He is a lawyer and he made sure his son didn't have any legal issue with that bastard baby.

Three years later, during which J.D had totally refused to visit either his father or his brother, Neron is back for some days. Why? It might be some of the secrets this dinner will expose.

J.D grabbed my hand when we stood in front of his house front door, he reached out with his free hand to knock, then turned to me.

"Iria, can I ask you for another favor?" His piercing gaze made me nod, he looked concerned, maybe he needed me to say yes. "Can I kiss you?"

I smiled at him, not letting go of his hand.

"We are still dating until this night ends."

When the knob moved indicating us the door will be opened soon J.D reduced the distance between our lips and kissed me. I would say it's the sweetest kiss he has ever gave me.

The reason why I didn't hesitate to accept the favor was mostly for the fact that he asked for permission. Being honest, J.D's surprise kisses didn't quite please me, I didn't like to have to be with my guard up all time trying to predict when would he appear and meet my lips.

Now we were different people, not even his taste tasted the same. He didn't even put his hands on the same spot. His tongue didn't try to take over my mouth anymore. Instead he tastes less like cigarettes and more like mint, he placed both his hands over my hips, in a sweet gesture and his tongue moved at the rhythm of mine.

"Jeez, little brother, I see you haven't lost time."

The kiss ended when that unknown voice addressed us, I turned around mistrustful to find the one to blame for the cheer.

Neron was tall, taller than J.D. His hair was brown, some tones darker from J.D's blonde. Plus, his eyes were gray as J.D's, actually they were darker than his.

"Long time no see, Neron." J.D's tone brushed the sarcasm, he hadn't taken his hands off my hips and looked at him mistrustful as I.

I could see how he didn't know what to wait from his own brother.

Suddenly Neron smiled widely -I could see why Molly fell for him, he was handsome as fuck- then he gave two steps closer and I stepped away when I saw his intentions to hug his brother. J.D didn't react until Neron patted his back and he patted his back harder, I could heard the murmur of some chuckles from the brothers. Finally Neron messed with J.D's hair and he pushed him away trying to fix it annoyed.

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