Chapter 50 "Touch my neck and I'll touch yours"

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I got on the bus with a smile on the face, not because I was fully happy, I think I have never been that, but because I was excited for the school trip, I had to be excited because after it... When Ethan and I came back things were going to change, we have seen it during the past couple of months, our parents hate each other more as days go by what isn't a surprise. Their relationship has always been fake, a quid pro duo, the only thing real was the sex.

Ethan and I could heard it out and loudly.

Spain was good, Ethan and I never stopped being the troublemakers everybody insisted we were, not even in that private high school, we actually skipped the forth class everyday to smoke a cigarette together and the uniform fit me incredibly well. However it fitted Ethan better, the orange tie hanging loosely around his neck together with the white shirt, rolled up, with a couple of buttons unbuttoned and without tucking it inside his pants left most of our female classmates drooling.

Luckily in this trip we didn't have to wear uniform, I was willing to forget about all my problems outside of this bus where we will spend the following ten hours. The image of my mother screaming at Jerry as she broke some plates in the kitchen had followed me last night, the de-stressing cigarette Ethan and I smoked in his room didn't have quite an effect.

I had to forget about it. My only objective in this trip was Lincoln Gil, I sat next to him in the back seats of the bus, being a private school the bus was huge, it had six seats at the back, seats reserved for our group of friends -things of being popular. They were actually Ethan's friends, I mean, I met them because of Ethan but we have been hanging out together for the whole year. Five boys and me, we were going to be roommates in the student hostel too.

In the hostel the rooms were of six, they weren't supposed to be mixed but I was the exception, it was very difficult for Ethan and I to get me in his room but he kept his promise when he told me he would help me to get Lincoln in my bed. It was all a master plan.

"Have you heard there will be three double beds in each room? With whom are you sleeping, Iria?" Marcos addressed me with that suggestive tone he always faked when we talked.

I laughed, Ethan had sat next to me and I rested my arm on his shoulder.

"The only way to avoid sleeping with the teachers was sharing a bed with Ethan, our argument to be allowed to be your roommate is that we are stepsiblings."

Ethan nodded, he was still sleepy, it was six in the morning after all. I owe him a lot considering the girl's rooms were full and my fate could have very likely been sharing room with the literature teacher.

I had high hopes on this trip, I just had to look at my roommates. Ethan and I talked about filming a blog during the trip, for the posterity and all. I took my phone out to film the first clip of the blog.

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Our room was huge, I didn't expect anything fancy considering it was a student hostel but the place was pretty luxurious, there were five more schools in the hostel, we heard there was an Italian school and that was our mission once we left the luggage at the room.

Reconnaissance mission, was how Enzo and Marcos named it when they assured Italian people were always hot. Ethan laughed next to me. "I'm half Italian, baby." He reminded me in whispers.

I was chuckling when I closed the door behind me, then it hit me.

"The key!" I screamed taking my hands to my head, the five boys in front of me copied my horror expression, we started laughing afterwards.

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