Chapter 30 "I know that you got daddy issues"

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I teleported to Iria's room trying not to make a sound at all but there were these shoes on my way that made it impossible. I bumped into them, then into some books and damn, Iria is very organized. Did she really have to choose today to keep her room untidy?

There was a obstacle race until her bed.

Sure that all those 'obstacles' may just be my clumsy feet intoxicated by the alcohol that tripped over air.

I could hear her giggles and chuckles whenever I bumped into something.

Fuck it, I thought before teleporting to her bed, laying next to her, both of us facing the ceiling.

"Tell me something that I'll forget." I stayed faithful to that phrase that made me seem mysterious.

I will be fourteen in May, but for the moment I was just a thirteen-year-old brat who came home drunk once every couple of months.

Iria hesitated, she keep trying to control the chuckles, like she took too long to answer I did it for her.

"If you don't have anything to say then I'll tell you something..."

For some reason sadness took over me, suddenly I felt pain... The kind of emotional pain to make drunk people cry but I didn't do that. I did something worse instead, I opened up being brutally honest with a thirteen-year-old girl who still wanted to see something good in this evil world.

"Early in the summer before moving to Canada I got an elliptical comma, one of those in which the ambulance gives you a ride to the hospital where you spend two days without waking up. When I finally opened my eyes they called Jerry... I still remember the fear that went down my spine when he entered the hospital room but he didn't say anything. Neither in the way back home in bus and not even when we arrived home so I thought that was my chance to go hide in my room but he burst in immediately after I closed the door."

The memories spoke for me, I was rekindling that day as if it was happening again.

"He first punched me in the face, he didn't stop screaming how expensive was the hospital bill as he kept hitting me... He told me he would beat me up every day until I paid the debt. That was the first time I stole something precious."

My haze had gotten lost in the memories of all the blows, my eyes were wet but I wouldn't shed a tear. I didn't allow myself to do that.

"Ethan..." I heard Iria's sob, she begged for me to stop talking and she was crying. I hated her to suffer for me but for some reason I couldn't shut up.

I had this urge to let everything out and get it off my chest once and for all.

"When I was seven years old Jerry disappeared for over two weeks without letting money or food... nor did he mind to tell me he left. The second Tuesday I entered his room, gossiping through his stuffs I found a cross necklace near a photo of my mother wearing it. When he got home he was angry because I wore the necklace, he made me another scar but afterwards he let me keep the necklace. I always had the feeling that he needed me to pay some price to be worth having something that belonged to her."

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