Chapter 53 "And what I think about"

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The first birthday I remember was when I turned four, my favorite when I turned seventeen and the one that marked me the most when I turned ten.


Biddy carried me in her arms, she said she had a surprise in the kitchen what truly excited me. Minutes later I found myself in front of a cake with a candle stuck on the middle and Biddy's wide smile.

She always smiled at me, Jerry ran out of smiles to give me so far but Biddy's were eternal.

"Happy birthday, little vampire!" She leaned to lit the candle with a pink lighter I just saw her using when she put the white stick in her mouth.

Usually after I heard Jerry and her arguing.

"Do you know how old you turn today?" She looked me in the eyes surrounding the fire of the candle with her hands. I showed her four fingers as she had taught me to count to ten. "Well done! Blow the candle and make a wish, little vampire." I did as she said, when I looked up Biddy had placed one finger on her mouth and was hushing. "It has to be secret."

I copied the gesture, I got Biddy's smile to grow.

Happiness for a four-years-old was that, it was blowing a candle and watching the woman he wanted to believe was similar to his mother smile. Happiness for me never lasted, that day I felt happy for an hour, I loved when Jerry wasn't home and it was just Biddy and me, what I didn't know was the danger of the only parent left of a kid to be out as much as Jerry was.

It didn't make sense, I was happier when he wasn't around.

Biddy stood up to open the door when the doorbell resounded throughout the place, I stayed in the kitchen, playing with the rest of my cake. I have never played again with food since that day the woman dressed with elegant boy pants walked in my house, backed by two men bigger than Jerry.

"Social services." She showed something to Biddy. "This kid is coming with us."

I didn't like how the men looked at me, I jumped out of the chair and hid behind Biddy.

"I'm his mother." She said proudly, I looked at her etching that look in my mind. I haven't seen it before.

"His mother is dead." The woman brought me back to reality, those words... they hurt somewhere in my chest. It made my eyes wet. "Ethan Jones, he's coming with us."

I remember I screamed when they dragged me away from Biddy, my eyes got more wet when the men put me in their car, sitting me in a chair I haven't seen in my life but that felt more comfortable. The woman who dressed boy pants leaned in the car to fasten my seatbelt, she grabbed my face so I would look her in the eyes.

"Those red eyes seem worrisome... We should take him to the doctor, he must be ill."

"I'm not ill!" I screamed spitting at her face as Biddy once told me to do at the mean kids in nursery school.

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"Happy birthday!" Coraline pounced on my back as a surprise, she jumped on me and I did everything I could to grab her legs so she wouldn't fall.

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