Chapter 18 "First, I didn't get it"

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I never liked being alone, sure I preferred that over being in bad company. Lately I have come to start enjoying the loneliness but it's so sad... Silence is disgusting, it seems to force me to think and there are some things that I just don't have to think about.

I couldn't think about them, rather said.

It's sad, everything is sad, even this house, my grandparent's, when it's about to be midnight and everyone is out is sad. Grandparents are traveling, they spend more time traveling than at home. Jerry is out, he hasn't called home since he left yesterday, however I knew he wouldn't sleep at the house.

I walked through the second floor's corridor then went down stairs, the kitchen was in the first floor and I was suddenly thirsty. I grabbed the glass of water and drank it in a swallow, filling it again with the intention to take it to the sofa, where I would sit while watching TV.

My feet stopped moving midway, I stayed a couple of seconds analyzing the feeling still with the glass on my hand until my head started to hurt, a lot, pretty bad.

The glass slipped through my hands breaking into pieces when it hit the floor, the sound was accompanied by my screams the moment I felt forced to take my hands to my head and grab it tightly.

It's usual to press the wound when it hurts to alleviate the pain, the difference is that no matter how much strength I put in pressing my head, it wouldn't stop.

My legs gave in to the pain, I fell to the floor screaming as if that would help me. There were tears in my eyes and face, I cried what I hated to do, the worst and best was that there wasn't anyone to hear me.

I writhed in the floor, still with my hands on my head but moving my legs euphorically. Perhaps trying to run away from the pain. The rhythm of my frenetic heart skipped a couple of beats when I felt the blood running down my cheeks.

I figured out later that it was because of the huge effort my mind was getting ready to do.

A prink left me motionless, I arched my back with the fear that if I breathed heavier my heart would stop, I wasn't ready for what was to come.

A deadly pain ran over my spine, it made me want to scream until I reminded mute but I couldn't get to move, there was something else... Lots of imagines going by in front of my eyes.


I was traveling Italy, every single square meter of it appeared at the speed of light in my mind. It was too much information, overwhelming information that left me gasping and beat up on the floor when it ended.

Apart from bleeding I sweated. I didn't know what was that although I was scared, very scared and lost but above all alone, that was the worst.

My stomach had turned upside down just like I had the feeling that all my organs had done the same. I had to use all the strength I had left to stand up clumsily and get to the bathroom where I threw up as soon as possible. I threw up a couple of times, I didn't open my eyes until I had ended.

My expression turned even paler when I looked at the blood that was supposed to be puke, it was disgusting.

I rushed to go to the other side of the bathroom where the mirror was, when I saw my reflection I reminded still.

I wiped away the tears of blood on my cheeks, then I ran my hand through my mouth, where I cleaned the blood around it. My trembling hands got to touch my mouth still with some traces of blood, true water tears formed in my eyes, I took my hands to my eyes, where the tears made the blood ran down my cheeks again.

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