Chapter 15 "Coming down"

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I didn't go back to the hotel to sleep, I wanted to worry about the way in which I had left Iria, I wanted to worry about if she was good or not but I read somewhere that sometimes you have to be selfish and worry first about you. I needed to do that, one night before going back to pretend the grief has never been a known feeling in my body, then I will continue to leave my last breath in getting Iria to get better.

I did show up the next morning, Iria was awake, I doubted she had even slept, we had to pack our stuffs and leave the hotel, not even tidying the room up we address a word or look at each other. Iria went down the five floor in the elevator and I used the stairs, we had to meet to talk with the receptionist and leave her the key yet we were distant with the other. We didn't even brush but I was sure if our skins touched they would be cold.

There they were, Vivian and Milo, the marriage that didn't last further than a honeymoon. Their fate was clear but I never thought it would be reflected on us.

Vivian and Milo would split up because they put off their dreams for the other, without realizing they didn't have things in common. Iria and I had too many things in common, too many memories lived together and too many ghosts to fight but not together.

I gave up, Iria had to get over them and I would help her.

I had to grab her hand to teleport us back to Canada what resulted in our eyes meeting for a couple of seconds before we arrived at the apartment and she locked herself in her room. I was about to do the same but then I changed my mind, I needed a cigarette, I actually needed many things that I couldn't reach, I would start with poison as smoke.

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It was dark outside when I left Medad's house, I visited him after that cigarette and ended up telling him the truth about my honeymoon when he asked, one in which we indeed had a great time just like we fell apart after the couple of kisses we forgot to hold back. Medad wasn't a fan of Iria, he wasn't a fan of anyone, maybe not even of me but I trusted him when he promised not to talk with anyone about this. He was a trustworthy man.

I went home to find out Iria wasn't there, it was late but I didn't worry, I knew where she was. Iria does aerial silks in a sport center that closes late, she has barely spent six months in the sport however I have never seen her hung on a silk, she didn't let me attend her training sessions, less seeing how she danced in the air between fabrics.

You know what? Today I feel like breaking the rules.

I teleported to the sport center, from outside you could tell it was pretty empty, there were just some lights on and although I have never stepped on those corridors I knew where I should go to find Iria. She was in a huge room with wooden floors, she wore some short black leggings and a long-sleeved sport T-shirt she was just rolling up, just one sock on her feet. She was bandaging her hands to prevent chafing and I realized she wore kneepads too.

Iria leaned to play the music and Carol of the Bells filled the room, while the first chords sounded she walked gracefully to the red silks hanging from the 30-feet tall ceiling, she took some seconds to roll her legs in the fabric and sat over her heels being just as smooth. The song kept going and so did Iria's hands, that rose to roll up in the silks. She didn't stand up until the song's rhythm first changed, then she climbed a little to gain some height and she flooded, she still danced in the floor, that foot with the sock was her foothold while her other leg stretched and bent in a flexible and balletic way.

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