Chapter 7 "Let's have an adventure"

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She would rain all day, couldn't wait for her Sun
To shine and you were made her shine
There when she cried you saved her life

I remember the first time I sang Iria those verses, it was the first time I had the need to tell her how much she mattered to me but we had barely met so I just sang her a song and waited for her to realize she was my sun.

I always thought the hardest part of the day is waking up, many people will agree with me but it's different when you wish your eyes didn't open.

I had barely slept four hours, I was awake at 5 a.m. Today was the day of my honeymoon with Iria and she was still sleeping, it took a slight smile out of me lips to see her so peaceful for once.

That's the irony of nightmares, from outside everything looks calm until your mind gives up and force you to express your suffering.

I got off bed without making any noise at all, it didn't bother me having to change clothes while Iria was asleep next to me. I got off the clothes I used to sleep, got into some loose jeans but stopped when I had to choose a T-shirt.

I would wear the black one, I looked down to the pile of T-shirts where I would find the garment and my eyes fixed on something else, my arms. When I got rid of my scars I promised myself that I wouldn't hurt me again, back then I was fifteen what didn't stop my skin from had been marked with several scars.

There were fighter scars, or at least they were the result of the fights I had survived. Back then I didn't think much, who cared about some more scars anyway?

I was better when I lost track of them, I had Iria, life was just as shitty but I had her. Then she died and the marks came back to my arms.

I put on the long-sleeved T-shirt making sure my arms stayed covered, then a hoodie over it and grabbed a coat before leaving Toronto to teleport to Boston.

The orphaned girl had stolen the wedding rings from me -what was an irony because I stole them too- and I needed to get them back before the trip.

I had no idea of how I would I find Evelyn, it was a stupid plan if you took into account that it depended on finding an orphaned girl -who teleported- in the same city where I met her yesterday.

We didn't even have an hour to talk, I tried to teach her the basics of our power.

The art of teleportation, was how she named our 'class'.

I felt dumb to think I would feel when she was close but I felt even dumber when I felt that rush hitting me... She was close.

I was speechless when just by thinking about her my power brought me to her side. I had never done that before.

I appeared in a loft, it was spacious and pretty empty, there were barely furniture in there though the mattress of the bed wasn't missing. From where I stood I could distinguish some sheets and cushions over the mattress laid on the floor but I didn't see Evelyn...

I did feel her presence, though.

I walked across the loft ensuring to keep my guard up. Yesterday Evelyn suggested that she could teach me how to fight if I taught her the art of teleportation, I laughed at her face. She added that with that white shirt I didn't look like someone used to fighting, I won the fight in less than five minutes.

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