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I thought I knew pain, I've been living with it for so many years that I learned to ignore it, or at least to make people think I ignored it. It's like when you hit rock bottom and the only hope that's left on you is thinking that nothing can go worse, that life can just get better for you.

Well, never say never.

I hit rock bottom when my mother died, life has just proved me that in my case anything would get better but keep being as bad as it was. I got a breath in London but the good weather never lasts long, I was very dumb to think that breath would last forever.

It wasn't the happiness deserved after a life of misfortunes, it was the highest peak of the roller coaster, just before it felt without brakes into the void.

My heart stopped beating the moment Ewan plunged the knife in Chrystal's neck and I doubt it will ever beat again. The part of me that she had filled with life ended the moment her body crashed into the floor, lifeless.

I wanted to go to her, I wanted to hug her to... save her but my legs didn't move. When I got control over them again it was late, I couldn't focus on saving a corpus while I had someone else to safe, someone who was broken on the floor, with a panic attack and a pair of diamond eyes.

Instead I ran to Iria, she couldn't walk so I grabbed her, pulling her body as the people we were surrounded by started to look at us as if we were the next in line. When they gave the first steps forward I teleported with Iria.

I had left my mind black, not having a clear image of the place to which you intend to go doesn't always end well, today it did. I didn't realize that we were in our safe place until I took a closer look... Canada, 3.855.103 miles squares and this apartment was the only place I liked.

I must have spent too many seconds glancing around the place because when the sound of a gun being loaded made me fix my eyes on Iria she already had that gun pointing at her head.

"He gave me this gun..." Her voice was broken, the hand with which she held the gun was shaking and her eyes were sank under her tears. "It's so fucking poetic of it to take my life."

My mind seemed to leave the shock it had buried into to react to Iria's drive. I pounced on her, my objective was her gun, I got to move it away from her when the sound of the shot invaded the silent apartment.

I didn't hug Iria but clung to her, she didn't know that this was probably helping me more than her. Iria cried, sobbed and even moaned in pain, leaving a piece of her soul in all the heartbroken sounds that left her mouth. I could just try to calm her down.

I hadn't shed a tear which made me think I was a psychopath but, actually, I was just someone broken enough to know how to hide the pain and intelligent enough to know that this wouldn't end well if we were both broken on the floor.

I only sacrificed myself for the group.

Iria was hysterical, she didn't stop moving what made me difficult the task to look for her right wrist. When I grabbed it I put it closer to my left one, moving the watch away so that the tattoo that we shared on the inner part of our wrists could be showed. Iria started to calm down when she saw my tattoo, making hers visible right away.

"You see this? Is a promise, we are sticking together until death so we have two options here; either we die together today or we do what we have been doing for our whole lives, being the cockroaches that survive anything."

Diamond: The PromiseWhere stories live. Discover now