Chapter 21 "Nothing that I wouldn't wanna tell you about"

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I never liked drugs. It's more like I don't like what drugs do to people, my mother was a drug addicted after all -sure that my father is an alcoholic and I won't quit drinking. You could say I always had some respect towards drugs but in moments like these, in which everybody is taking drags from the same joint I can't help asking Medad to hand me the weed too.

It's not a hard drug, just some weed that intoxicate my lungs as the first drag I take leads the poison's way.

J.D and Iria entered the basement after they had left more than half an hour ago, Molly had put her puppy in bed and now she was laid in the same sofa as Medad, she didn't smoke but she enjoyed smelling the poison. I was sat on a brown leather armchair pretty ugly but comfortable.

Iria licked her lips while walking towards us, she tried to hide her bands behind her ears but the locks of purple hair escaped. J.D took a seat first, in the empty sofa in which Iria sat afterwards. Our gazes met when she walked past me, I had leaned to throw the joint's ashes in the ashtray when she looked at me with wide eyes and her lips slightly parted. Then he sat on the sofa, over J.D.

J.D had taken advance of the spacious sofa to stretch his legs over it, Iria sat on his lap, I found ironic how he opened his legs for her to be comfortable. I leaned back in the armchair, taking another drag as my eyes fixed on how J.D placed his hand on Iria's thigh, considerably closer to her crotch than her knee.

In the inside I laughed about her I don't want a boyfriend speech.

"Dammit, finally you show up. What were you doing? Taking the longest fuck of your lives?" Medad's mock made a smirk show on my face, I had to pretend I cleared my throat to cover my mouth.

Of course they were fucking, Iria had that look.

Their guilty expression gave them away, both of them avoided Medad's gaze what just confirmed his 'joke'. Molly let out a surprised sound when she figured out Medad was right, in that moment I met Iria's eyes... That guilty look that somehow hid lust.

"Oh my god." Molly let out hostage of surprise.

They were pretty shameless, weren't they?

"Ha, so now an ex-cheerleader sucks your dick... I bet she's the one to cry during sex."

The mention to what Iria told him before the Mid-Winter break didn't go unnoticed to me. Medad had that superiority look after I had handed him back the joint, his tone was harsh as his words. I wasn't the only one who felt annoyed by his comment.

I got along with Medad what didn't mean I was in favor of all the insults my best friend received from his part. Sure Iria also insulted him multiple times.

The scolding looks from Molly and J.D arrived to Medad yet he kept his careless attitude.

"Watch it, she's my girlfriend."

There it was J.D's warn that made Medad roll his eyes and Molly's expression lit up to the news.

Dating... I couldn't help wondering who did Iria lied to, her boyfriend or me. Judging by the look she gave me I could deduce her previous speech felt real. At least a couple of hours ago.

When the thing cooled down after the news Iria talked, I smiled sideways when I heard her. I knew she wouldn't let Medad have the last word.

"I don't cry during sex but I'm sure that whore of yours did when you first fucked her."

Iria held her head high, she leaned over J.D looking at Medad with the same haughtiness with which he had looked at her before. Medad didn't take long to lose his temper.

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