Chapter 25 "If I may just take your breath away"

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It's horrible when you want to do something for someone but you don't have the power to do it. It's a feeling of helplessness that settles in your chest, it's an I want to but I can't that starts to feel exasperating, in my case it also has a sad taste.

Iria will be my last breath, I have everything set up but her. I allow her so much but I had so less time...

For the rest of the week you could say she had a relapse in her depression, I had a lump in my throat whenever I saw her melting with the sheets. I knew the reason of all that sadness was the proximity of a certain birthday what I figured out it was in fact good.

If she broke down now that meant I could cheer her up by April 1st so that I can have a breath that day.

Iria has missed three school days this week, today Friday I managed to drag her out of bed with the threat that I would call her boyfriend to come get her out of bed if she didn't. Once in high school J.D didn't part from her side, they would go straight to J.D's house after school.

When the situation was controlled I allowed myself to skip the last two classes to have my own breath, in the promenade with Evelyn before I would meet with the rest in J.D's basement as every Friday.

"You think a lot." Evelyn pointed out next to me. She wasn't the one to take a quiet walk down the promenade, she actually had crime tendencies and she got bored with ease.

"And you don't think at all." I counterattacked, I enjoyed the outraged expression on her face but it was soon replaced by a concerned one.

Evelyn stopped walking and I did the same, she looked at me with a concern I didn't understand where did it suddenly come from.

"I have been thinking about the scars on your arms."

A shiver ran through me though I put all my effort in keeping my expression neutral, getting in a staring contest with her aqua blue eyes.

"Not right timing, cabin boy." I decided with a stern expression.

Evelyn took a step back, finally averting her gaze from mine.

"I know, I've been wanting to ask since we fucked but then you left for a week. When you told me the story of how your power started everything made sense and I've been thinking about how easy people think it is to be perfect having a shitty life..." Evelyn looked up to me after have talked hastily. "I just wanted you to know that I get along with you."

The muscles of my face relaxed when I heard her, for a second I had forgotten why I considered her a breath from the rest of the world.

"Come on, I want to learn to have as much control as you in this new aspect of our power." Evelyn nudged me on the arm then started running.

I didn't know why but I ran after her. I reached her seconds later.

"You won't have more control as much as you run." I mocked now that her legs didn't stop moving.

"Perhaps." I heard a whisper.

Evelyn started running faster, I had some issues in keeping up with her and just when the promenade ended, when I thought she would fell into the sea, she teleported us both to the start of that same promenade, stopping dead.

"I love it!" She turned to me full of excitement, in her eyes there was that purple magic blooming.

I guess it was nice to see how her excitement grew over the smallest progress.

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