Chapter 12 "This time I gotta know"

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Being different is something I have always struggle with. Mother says that it was great to stand up between the other students in school, however I knew for a fact she hated the way I different from the rest of girls my age, out of school concern. Mother believes in many things, perfection is one of them just like she believes in the basic rules she made up when I was little and I have followed ever since.

Perfect girls wore their hair tidied up so their pretty face could be admired, that is why I always tidied my hair in two braids. Perfect girls have a straight posture, head held high though they know when to take their chin down. Perfect girls are many things but the most important is the way they dress, that is why mother buys me designed clothes, above all dresses, I don't truly care but she does so I behave and wear the designed dresses whose shirk reaches one palm over my knees, all with a nice smile.

Lately mother considered the laugh that comes out of me when I'm with Ethan vulgar but I think it's authentic.

It's been two weeks since Ethan and I were allowed to leave the safe place and our parents got very along. I think they started seeing each other around a week ago and I have already heard something about Ethan and Jerry moving in.

I'm looking forward to having Ethan making me company in the huge house my mother bought when I first stepped out of the safe place five years ago. Ethan says it's a tramp but I know it is, my mother doesn't love Ethan's father, he is an alcoholic. However she's interested in the long-awaited image of the perfect family that he and his son can give her.

Ethan also says that our parent's relationship is most likely about sex.

I think it's a mix of everything, good sex for both of them, a house to live in for Jerry and a good reputation for mother.

A reputation in which she wasn't the wife whose husband deserted after giving birth to their first child.

I had issues in figuring out a good outfit for this afternoon, a boy of my class came over -now that the house was empty until late in the night- to take some classes. He was cute and I liked his smile, I have been tutoring him for half a week and he is very funny too.

Elias Martin was a good match.

I found the hidden skinny jeans my mother wasn't aware I owned in the bottom of my closet, I decided to wear them with a long-sleeved blouse under which I wore two T-shirts to layer, it was October in Canada after all.

I went downstairs as fast as I could when the doorbell sounded, without running or losing my posture though. Elias was there when I opened the door, his brown curly hair was messy by the wind but his brown eyes smiled with his mouth.

"Cool house." He complimented when he stepped into the hallway, I guided him to my room right away. "I think is the first time I see you wearing jeans, they suit you."

I smiled like a fool when he couldn't see me, he was walking behind me so my smile reminded hid from his eyes.

Elias and I entered my room, I offered him to take a seat in the desk's chair but he preferred the bed, I sat with him on it. Before I could realize it there were chemistry books and written papers surrounding us, I had spent half an hour tutoring him when he moved away the books that separated us to sit by my side.

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