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Chapter 30
[Mafia King V or White Tiger]


Morning Time......

Tae came downstairs wearing black high neck suit, with long blazer his eyes and nose are red.

Both hands cover with bandages. Still he is looking most beautiful person in the whole world.

He dragged himself in the dining table lifelessly with so much straggled.

He dragged himself in the dining table lifelessly with so much straggled

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"What happened to your hand, baby?" Jin asked rushing towards taehyung but stop when he show him hand to stop and sat in the chair.

He start eating his breakfast Jin taken aback cause of his son's behaviour he is shocked.

"Why are you wearing this pandent and ring." RM said ( his engagement ring and JJK'S gift).

Tae didn't said anything just silently eating his lunch.

"When are we leaving for the press conference." He asked taking bread and apply some butter on it RM sigh

"10 o'clock" RM said munching food.

"Hmm then, focus on your breakfast not someone's neck and hand, almost 9:15." Tae said with blank face take a bite of the bread and munching.

"You aren't someone you are my son." RM said sternly.

"Really! I didn't know that." Tae said coldly looking into RM eyes he sigh and rubbed his forehead.

"And why are you standing there come and eat your breakfast." RM said to jin
who is still standing there in shocked.

The way he stop him, never happened he nod and sat beside him still looking up at his son.

After breakfast Taejoon went office to attained the press conference.

RM announced him the CEO of the Kim Enterprise and asked them to respect and support him like they supported him.

RM shows and make him understand about all things and lastly they went towards RM cabin.

"J-hope and Jackson will assists you whenever you needs them and have some difficulty ask them okay." RM said he nod his head sighing.

"And Suga, Sehun will stay with you everywhere, everytime don't dare to roam around alone in night or day." He warned him Tae nod only.

"You know very well, when and how you can use all Panthers when they needed." He mumbled he again nod this makes RM angry

"For god sake use your tongue and stop nodding your head everytime it's irritating" RM shout angrily make all Panthers flinch on their place.

🍁✨MY LOVE❤️🍁[Taekook ff]√Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt