Chapter 62

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   Ari POV

  Ten hours in and my girl is showing me just what a beast of a woman she was made to be. Against advice of doctors and nurses, she'd chosen to go the route of natural child birth, amazing me at the kind of strength she can pull from even the most tired parts of her body.

  Her body had been put through the ringer the last couple of days, physically and emotionally. Even I'd tried to convince her to get an epidural, agreeing with the staff that she needed to rest as much as possible. My wife very sweetly and lovingly told me to "Shut the hell up."

  So I did.

  I went back to my rotation of spots. Sit by the bed and hold her hand, let her squeeze every bit of life out of me, along with a few crunching sounds of bones.  Then to the bathroom for a freshly wet, cool washcloth for her head. Down to the break room for ice chips, feeding them to her by spoon when she could no longer snatch the cup out of my hand. 

  "You wanted all of this," she reminded me through gritted teeth when I had to switch to my left hand through a much longer contraction.

  "And I'm still here, aren't I?" I'd calmly say back to her as I'd watch the monitor for when the contraction would become lighter and eventually, just not quick enough, die out.

  At hour twelve, she was finally ten centimeters. The room began filling with different nurses from different areas of L & D, one including the NICU.  Evy was coming at the tail end of thirty-five weeks, still being considered moderate to late preterm.  

  As we'd finished our vows, panic really set in for Holland. She needed countless moments from Shauna assuring her that the actual wedding itself didn't cause her water to break, but more than likely the stress of the last couple days. Lots of nods around the room agreeing with her only put Holland at ease for a few moments as she looked back at me. "Our baby's coming," she whispered, scared.

  I just grinned back at her, all the joy pouring from my eyes, my smile big enough to light up the world. "She just couldn't let us have all the fun today."

  "Sounds like her daddy," Shauna chimes in, taking down the decorations from around my bed. I look at her strangely, seeing as how her actual dad is Jeremy. My sister just winks back at both Holland and I before adding, "She's gonna be the prettiest Levinson to ever walk the earth."

  I hear Holland sniffle as I toss in, "Second prettiest," my hand slipping into Holland's with ease.

  But right now, I'm willing every ounce of energy my own body still has through my finger tips as I hold back one of my wife's thighs, coaching her through another round of contractions and pushing. 

  "Come on, beautiful. You've got this, mama."

  She stops mid push, "Don't, don't do that," she tells me, panting. 

  I answer with a quick, "Noted" and stick to the beautiful's and Holland's rather than 'mama,' at least for now.

  There's a very short break between contractions, enough time for me to wipe her forehead free of the tiny baby hairs that are stuck in place from sweat. 

  "Okay, Holland. On the next push, we could have the newest Levinson join the party," the doctor announces to the room, bodies moving into place.

  Her lip trembles as she grips my hand. "You've got this, baby. It's time for Evy to make her appearance, okay?"

  With a slow nod, she leans up again, grabbing the backs of her thighs and screams through another long push. Within just fifteen seconds we hear the softest, most beautiful cry ever to grace our ears.

  "Dad, you wanna cut the chord?"

  "Try and stop me," I tell him, the back of my hand coming to rid my eyes of the pools of tears still waiting their turn to fall out. 

  Once the first fatherly role is completed, the group from the NICU is taking her over and assessing her as the doctor tends to Holland.

  "What's her score?" Holland asks, craning her neck to look around the room while I realize she hasn't gotten a good look at her daughter yet. "Shauna?"

  My sister doesn't miss a beat. "Give them a second, Holland. You know it doesn't happen that quick. I swear, nurses make the worst patients," she jokes.  She walks over to the head of the bed, leaning down to hug Holland. "You did really good, mama."

  The floodgates open, both of them crying as they hold on to one another, sending even the nurse that I've learned is the most hardened into swiping at her own eyes. 

  The number seven is yelled across the room, making both of the women in my life cry even harder as I stare, wondering what a seven means. I assume due to their reaction that it can't be good. "What does that mean?" I beg anyone in the room to answer me, the blubbering women probably wont be the ones to speak.

  The doctor scoots his stool back, slipping his gloves off. "Seven is normal," he tells me with a smile. "She's not too premature. They'll probably watch her for a day or so, and if her breathing seems to be alright, you'll be able to hold her."

  "We can't hold her now?"  My heart plummets to my stomach, not for me, but for Holland.

  They begin to wheel the small cart over towards us. "Not yet," a man answers. "But, thought you two might like to take a gander at your little girl. What's her name?"

  I chime in immediately as Holland sits up, her hand on the cart as she weeps, getting a good glimpse at her daughter. "Laurel Evy."

  "Levinson," Holland adds on at the end. "Laurel Evy Levinson."


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