Chapter 57

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  "Are you an idiot?"

  My sister's question surprises me, along with the grip she attempts around my bicep as she pulls me into the L & D break room the following morning.

  There's been some pep in my step this morning, along with a mile wide grin that no one could manage to steal, try as they might. So imagine my shock when my dear sister nearly causes me to trip over my feet and spill my fresh cup of much needed caffeine.

  "I mean, I'm sure I am, but can you be a little specific?" I ask, teasingly as I calmly settle myself into a chair as I take a generous sip of coffee. 

  Shauna doesn't sit down next to me, nor across from me. She's pacing. Whatever direction this conversation is about to take, I know  now it probably won't be a good one. 

  Still, my smile doesn't falter.

  "You asked her to marry you!" she hisses, her arms spreading wide in agitation and disbelief. But her statement isn't questioning me, it's more of a reminder. A reminder I'm sure I don't need.

  I lean back into the chair, smug, "Sure did. And if you know about it, that means you heard it. So, sister dear, are you including spy to your resume?"

  Between her nosey act in Felicity's closet and keeping herself quiet and still last night, I think she could probably give Dean some help on an undercover stake out or something.

  Her hands reach down to grip the back of the chair across from me, my finger rubbing around the rim of my coffee cup. "Do I need to remind you that you just got out of a relationship? Not just a relationship, but an actual engagement!"

  I remain calm, shaking my head softly from side to side. "No reminder needed. But do I need to remind you that I would've never been in that relationship if I didn't think Mason was mine?"  Her head lolls to the side, eyes narrowing with unbelief. "I'm serious Shauna. If not for Mason, Felicity and I wouldn't have made it much longer past that barbeque at Hollands."

  She's not convinced, but takes a seat anyway. "Okay, fine.  I'll give you that, but how about the fact that your best friend fathered a child with someone who wasn't his wife, but was your fiancé, but was married to your now fiancé?"

  "That was a mouthful, huh?" I tease with a smirk, earning me a quick roll of her eyes. "Look, I know this part of my life, and Holland's, deserves its own episode of Jerry Springer. I'm not dumb. And she deserves to know about Jeremy, but you're the one that said we can't say anything right now. Are you going back on that?"

  A loud groan escapes Shauna as she drops her head into her hands. "I don't know! I mean, look at how stressed and upset you were when you found out about Mason. And that was before the test confirmed it. You cut yourself off completely from them. What do you think Holland is going to do?"

  "It's not like he's here. She can't get further away from Jeremy if she tried. I'm sure she's got questions and she deserves all the answers. But, right now, keeping her and Evy safe are what's best, right?"  Shauna lifts her eyes ever so slightly to look at me, her head finally nodding against her hands. "So, we go into it with ease. Now, I'd like to get back and spend some time with my fiancé before I go into work."

  "Hey Ari," her voice stops me as I reach for the door handle.


  "I'm really excited for Holland to be my sister-in-law," she admits kindly, the glisten of tears sitting low in her eyes.

  "Glad you approve of this one," I laugh back, opening the door wide.

  "Better be the last one!" she calls out as I leave the room.

  I stroll down the hallway, passing the nurse's station with a few 'good mornings' until Joy walks out of the elevator. "Just getting in for the morning?" I ask Joy, remembering I hadn't seen her through the night.

  Her yawn should be my answer alone. "No," she shakes her head, "I was running between three births last night. I thought you'd gone home when her fever broke."

  "You know you all are gonna have to throw me out," I assure her, giving her a wink. "And even then it might only work with a restraining order." I act a little contemplative. "Nah, not even then. Shauna's dating a cop."

  Joy laughs along with me. "Well, your fiancé just went in."

  "Went in where?" I ask, my brow furrowing before I realize she doesn't know that Holland and I are officially engaged.

  "Into Holland's room. She was carrying a box with her."

  "Shit," I mutter, my feet picking up pace as I round the corner to Holland's room.

*Shorter, yes.  But we're gonna have a dual POV of the scene...

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