Chapter 2

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 By the time we get home from a romantic Jamaican getaway, our apartment has been decorated with newlywed banners and bouquets of balloons. I giggle as Jeremy carries me over the threshold of the door when I notice that in the midst of the balloons are blown up condoms.

"Wouldn't those have been better served on the trip?" I tease as he sets me down, his lips finding my own as his hands toy with the hem of my sweatshirt.

"You can ask Ari about that at dinner," he reminds me before picking me up once more to take me to our bedroom, no longer a giggling mess but slowly beginning to gasp for air.

"Tell me you at least had nice weather," Shauna asks over dinner that night as we recall our interesting trip.

"Oh, the weather was phenomenal," Jeremy interjects with excitement, "but we never got to enjoy it together."

"True story. The night we arrived I started getting sick. Then two days later when I finally felt normal again, Jeremy had caught whatever I had. By the time he was feeling well again it was time to come back home. I can laugh about it now," I admit, Jeremy's hand sitting on my thigh, "it was a different story while we were actually there."

Ari walks in from his kitchen, carrying multiple Chinese take out boxes. "Thought you were cooking for the newlyweds," Shauna smirks while rolling her eyes, knowing her brother doesn't do much of anything inside his kitchen.

"Jeremy said Holland was craving orange chicken. Thought after everything they went through on their trip that she deserved exactly what she was craving." I give him a sweet smile and a quiet 'thank you' for being so thoughtful. "And maybe because I need to butter you two up."

"There it is!" Shauna calls out loudly, making all of us laugh.

"Ignore her," he tells Jeremy and I as he sits down across from his best friend. "I've got an old friend coming in to town next month. Thought maybe you would like to meet."

"Friend?" I question, batting my eyes over at Shauna who mirrors my actions. "Is this a 'special friend' of the female persuasion, Levy?"

His eyes turn to almost small slits, "Did I ever say you could use that nickname?"

"Did I ever ask?" I smart back before I'm sticking my tongue out at him.

"Gable, you need to control your woman," he smirks towards his friend.

"I think she's controlling herself pretty well," Jeremy says before he's nuzzling his nose into the side of my neck.

I blush and giggle, seeing Shauna lean over, smacking her brother's bicep with her hand. "I told you ya needed to wait a few days before having them over. They're all lovey dovey, honeymoon period like. It's nauseating."

"Sucks to be jealous, doesn't it?" I sass back to her, tossing a her a wink.

"So, can you all join us or what?" Ari presses the earlier question. "I mean, Jeremy met her, a while back, but I don't know if this is going to turn into anything more so I thought a friendly dinner or outing in a group could keep it less intimidating."

"Shoot me a message with the date and I'll check my calendar," I say, thinking ahead of my schedule at the hospital. I know there's a full moon coming up in the next few days which means we'll be having a full labor and delivery floor and ER.

"Depends," Jeremy chimes in. "I found out I'm gonna be taking some time off from the station for a bit."

My head jerks in his direction, the spoon filled with rice clanking harshly on my plate. "What for?" I ask, stunned by this obviously new piece of information.

"Uncle Wesley needs some help on the farm. He injured his back and I offered to come down for a bit and help."

"And when were you going to tell me?" I recognize my tone isn't coming across pleasantly, especially when I notice Ari and Shauna cut eyes at one another.

"It's my family, Holly. What am I suppose to do? It's not like Will can help them or did you forget he's in a wheel chair?" he nearly snaps at me.

A pitiful sigh releases from my lips. "You know that's not what I meant. I'm just surprised you hadn't told me anything about it. When did you find out?"

"The call I had to take before we came here. It was Aunt Cheryl. You know I have a hard time saying no to her. I mean, that's where I spent so many summers as a kid and where I take my vacations each year."

"Until now, right?" Ari chuckles, his hand waving between the two of us. "I mean, I've gone with you a few times. I can probably take a week or so off and join you."

Jeremy waves Ari off, taking a bite of his meal. "Nah, man. I can handle it. Save up your days. You're gonna need them if this uh, 'friend' situation works out."

"I've got some time saved up," I mention to the table, looking over at Shauna. "I can come and help. I'm sure Cheryl could use the help with Will, especially if your uncle is down and out. I hate that they weren't able to come to the wedding. I was looking forward to meeting them."

My husband reaches his hand over, resting on my own. "I really appreciate your thoughtfulness, but you know we talked about you saving up those days for when we're ready to start our family. We'll plan a trip later on."

"Guess I can pick up extra shifts at the hospital," I tell Shauna, feeling deflated at the idea of spending time away from my new husband so soon into our marriage. "Ari, you can count on me to meet your friend."

"You sure?"

I shrug, "Looks like I'll have a bit of extra time on my hands, so, yeah. I'll be whatever you need me to be."

"Thanks, Holland. I really appreciate it."

"She's the best," my husband tosses in his two cents.

"So I've been told," I giggle as Jeremy slings his arm around my shoulders and playfully growls into my ear.

"Hey, babe!" I call out from the bathroom as I brush my teeth to prepare for bed. I hear Jeremy's footsteps coming closer to the bedroom before he answers me. "I really do wish you'd told me on the ride over." He starts to speak, to plead his case once more, but I stop him. "It's fine. I'm just letting you know. And now I'm gonna drop it, okay?" Stepping closer to him I give him the smallest peck on his lips.

"You're too good to me, Holland Gable."

My heart flutters at the name change and I grin widely. "Don't you forget it." I pull down the covers of the bed on my side and wait for him to lay down before I tuck myself into his side. "I love you, Jeremy."

"I love you too, Holly."


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