Chapter 13

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  A full month has passed since Jeremy's death, and there's yet to be a time that I lay down in our bed and not cry when my head hits the pillow.  Everything around this house continues to remind me of our short time together. I've yet to be able to even pack up his toothbrush and aftershave, finding myself tabbing it onto a towel just to end up sleeping with it tucked against my chest. 

I've managed to keep the pregnancy quiet for another three weeks by using a doctor that is not associated with my hospital.  I'm exactly eight weeks, which means I'd gotten pregnant when he'd come home from his aunt and uncle's farm. The few days before he told me he was going back to South Dakota.

 Before he lied to me. 

 I'd been on a bit of a mission to figure out Connecticut, but continued coming up empty handed, making me more frustrated and causing my blood pressure to go up more than normal. Ari has warned me, along with Shauna, both threatening me to go to our nurse lead and spill the beans. I tell them both that once the first trimester is up I'll take care of it myself, placating them for at least a little longer. 

  In an effort to fill my home with some other type of memory than missing my husband, or his funeral, I decide to have a dinner party.  Shauna had begun seeing a new guy about two weeks ago, one she's been going on and on about during each of our breaks, finally making me practically beg to meet the guy she deems Mr. Perfect.  Ari would be in attendance of course, along with Felicity since she'd officially finished her move to town and began her new job. The two had been casually hanging out, although according to Ari he wasn't trying to move onto anything with her, deeming that he had a woman he was already committed to for at least the next seven months. 

  "I'm not going to be the reason something with you and Felicity doesn't happen, Levy. Come on, bring her along. Let it be an easy date for you. I'm doing all the hard lifting, all you have to do is turn on the Casanova charm."

  Begrudgingly he accepts my invite and just ten minutes later texts me to say Lissy will be in attendance as well. 

  Of course  now that it's actually the day of, I'm second guessing my plan. I've essentially plopped myself right into being a fifth wheel to my two closest friends budding romances.  The reality of surrounding myself in new love makes my stomach lurch making me shovel in a saltine while saying silent prayers that I don't lose my lunch over the barbeque chicken I'm in the midst of grilling. 

  As I flip the chicken and close the lid on the grill I hear a car pull up, doors shutting shortly after. I don't hurry back in the house, knowing that whether it be Shauna or Ari both will walk through the front door without knocking.  

  "Holland?" Shauna calls out.

  "Backyard!" I answer, opening the sliding glass door wide for her to join me. 

  "That smells so good!  Did you decide to go with the teriyaki or barbeque?"

  I blanche at the word teriyaki and she giggles, getting her answer without words. "Barbeque was the safer option," I admit, wiping my hands off on a dishtowel I'd brought out with me. "Hi, I'm Holland." I hold my hand out to the blonde man standing next to Shauna.

  "Holland this is Dean. Dean, meet my best friend, Holland."

  I shake the man's hand, noticing his grip reminds me of the first night I met Jeremy, a stark contrast to Ari's strong handshake. "It's nice to meet you. I have heard an awful lot about you," I admit with a smile while motioning for them to join me at the patio table. 

  We take a seat and begin a conversation that is interrupted rather quickly by the sound of my back gate unlocking, the wood creaking as it opens up to reveal the large stature of Ari with Lissy's petite frame walking around in front of him. The sun shining brightly, making the blonde's hair look more like strands of gold. 

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