Chapter 6

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  "So what did you think?"

  I wasn't surprised by Ari's question, I knew it would be coming. I just didn't expect it to be coming out of his mouth as he passes me in the hallway of the hospital the following day. 

  "She seems nice, sweet," I admit. "She told me about her job, working at the rehab center. She seems like she probably shows the patients a lot of love and respect. Don't really have anything bad to say. You two have a dynamic I've not seen you have with other women before, not that we ever see the same one more than twice." I stop my walk towards the cafeteria, turning slowly to face him. "Is this girl going to be around for more than two dates, Ari?"

  His eyes almost look around the area with bits of panic flashing through them from my question. "Uh, what do you mean? I've dated a woman for more than a couple times."

  I cross my arms against my chest as my hip juts out to the side, my head shaking side to side. "No, you haven't."

  "He hasn't what?" Shauna asks, coming up beside me. 

  "Your dear brother here actually believes he has dated a woman more than two times since I've met him."

  Shauna's left eye gets a smaller as her wheels turn. Ari shifts on his feet, his brow beginning to furrow as he watches the scene. "Since you've met him?" she repeats before her lips purse.  "Yeah, no. Not since he's met you. Why are we having this conversation?"

  "Lissy," I said in a prissy tone.

  Ari's sister's eyes grow larger at the name I've just said. "Shut. Up. Felicity is the 'friend' you wanted her and Jeremy to meet?"

  "Technically, as I found out last night, Jeremy has already met her. Why Ari didn't feel the need to add that part in is a little confusing to me."

  "If he was coming then I'd have told him it was her," he admits, although I'm not so sure I believe him. "I needed a female's opinion."

  "What the hell am I?"

  "His sister," I answer for him, "you don't count in that department." Ari tosses a double thumbs up in agreeance as his sister rolls her eyes.  "Although, I'm not entirely sure what he wants from me? Was I meant to be a buffer, or like a wing man, because I'm pretty sure you didn't need either. Although, if I was her, I'd have been questioning why your best friend's wife got a forehead kiss and you left her hanging with her arms wide open waiting for a hug."

  Ari looks panicked again, his hands going to his hips. "I did not." I stand still, nodding my head. "Please, tell me I didn't."

  "Okay, you didn't. But, if we're playing the lying game, she definitely didn't tell me that she's looking to be moving back here."

  "Oh, hell. I did, didn't I?" Shauna throws her arm out, slapping against his chest, wincing at the contact while Ari still stands tall like a fly landed on him. "What?" he nearly screeches at her. "I always kiss Holland on the forehead!"

  It's the truth. About two months after meeting I'd finally felt comfortable enough around him, got use to his flirty ways, and looked at him more like a brother figure. Our goodbyes usually ended with a hug and a kiss to my forehead. Not unusual at all from my perspective, not even Jeremy's, although he would always joke about how Ari was too slow in scooping me up. But from a girl he's trying to impress, probably a different story. 

  I can't help but laugh at their antics as they go back and forth, arguing about how Shauna couldn't believe Ari didn't tell her that Felicity was in town. I quickly stopped laughing when I heard the reason.

  "I didn't want to run the risk of you punching her again."

  My hands go out in front of me, spreading wide as I gasp out a "What?"

  "It was completely deserved," Shauna says, starting to walk off towards the cafeteria. I walk quickly behind her, Ari following behind me.

  "What do you mean? What could that," I clear my throat, glancing over at Ari for my next words, "cute little thing," he sighs, exasperated by my mocking him, "have done to earn a punch from you?" 

  At this point Shauna has already grabbed up a tray and began going down the line, grabbing up a salad before ordering a chicken quesadilla at the grill. "Seriously, Shauna. Tell me."

  My friend looks over her shoulder, up at where the bulky body of her brother stands with his arms crossed against his chest, his chin lifted slightly. "Me or you?" Ari's head drops and he shakes it side to side. "She cheated on him."

  "I take everything back I said. You're too good for the slut."

  Driving home that night I have the radio up loud, singing along to Bon Jovi, windows rolled down just to try and stay awake.  Pulling multiple doubles in the last week is starting to wear thin, and I'm incredibly grateful to be on the cusp of an entire twenty-four hours off.

  As I turn onto our street, I think my eyes must be playing tricks on me as I see Jeremy's truck in the driveway. He wasn't meant to be home for another week, but I won't dare look a gift horse in the mouth. 

  I'm jogging up to the house just as soon as I cut the engine, not even caring that the windows are still down on my car. By the time I get to the door, it's swinging open as I'm met with my handsome husband's grin. 

  "Hey, Holly," he whispers against my neck as I jump into his arms. 

  He's giggling as my legs wrap around his waist, my lips going right for his as he stands straight up again. "You good?" he asks in a chipper tone as I begin placing kisses all around his clean shaven face. 

  "So much better now."

*Unedited (and short)

Seasons  (Ari AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang