Chapter 52

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  One hand clenches a bouquet of bright and fall like colored flowers while the other rapts against Holland's hospital room door.  I hear the bright "Come in" call, but choose to ignore it.  I wait a few more seconds and repeat the action only to hear a little more bothered "Come in" this time. Still, I stay in place.  I knock once more and finally begin to hear her creep slowly towards the door. 

  The surprise on her face is exactly what I suspected when I'd put this plan in motion. Hearing her mention how afraid she was that we'd never really get off the ground and that I'd be back with Lissy once the baby was born made my soul ache. She has no idea how wrong she is that I'd go back to Lissy, but I can't tell her that just yet. I can't run the risk of the stress sending her into labor. But what I can do, is help squelch her fear of what we really are, and that all started by planning out our first date.

  Is it conventional? No, thus the reason why I knocked on her hospital door and waited for her to answer it. I may not be able to take her out of the hospital on a real date, but I can try to make it as memorable as possible by treating it as though I can. 

  So the plan was put in place, along with Shauna's help and the fact that I practically chased down her doctor two days ago asking exactly what would need to happen for Holland to be off bedrest for the total of maybe an hour.  She wasn't due for a sonogram today, but that was the main thing they would be looking at for the final decision. Shauna was just armed and ready with whatever she thought would make Holland feel a little more human.  

  And when she swings the door open, looking absolutely incredible in the sunflower covered robe, I'm glad I let Shauna take on that responsibility. Although, I think she would've still looked great in what I'd originally thought of. 

  "Hi, beautiful," I say, my smile nearly bursting at the look of stunned surprise covering Holland's face. "These are for you."

  "Thank you," she's hesitant, "I think."  I watch as she starts to walk back into the depths of the room, my foot holding the door propped. "How was your day?" she asks, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Wait. Why aren't you coming in?"

  "Cause I'm taking my girls out." I lean off to the side a bit, grabbing the wheelchair by the back handles. I've known her long enough that I can ready her mind pretty well. "Yes, you I got clearance, but we're on a bit of a time crunch." 

  Holland hasn't moved, not even a single inch one way or the other. She's just staring at me like I've grown two heads. "Come on, beautiful. You're all dressed up, no sense in it going to waste."

  The sweet melody of her laughter fills the space as she stands. "Since when is a maternity nightgown and robe set considered dressing up?" she teases, finally walking back over to me. 

  "Baby, you could put on a trash bag and I'd still look at you like a five star meal."  She ducks her head down thinking I don't see the tint of pink growing up her neck towards her cheeks as she turns to sit down into the wheelchair. "I had suggested sweatpants and a Henley but Shauna thought you'd appreciate the gown more."

  She gazes over her shoulder up at me as I push her towards the elevator, her eyes filled with amusement. "Which would you have enjoyed more, Levy?"

  I don't answer until we're alone in the elevator, crouching down in front of the wheelchair. "Whatever makes you feel most comfortable," I say, smirking. 

  "Liar," she mumbles, leaning up to kiss me.  "You clean up good." Her hand gently brushes across my beard and I can't help but nuzzle closer to her palm.

  The elevator comes to a stop on the second floor. Holland gives me a strange look as she and I both know this floor is more for doctor's offices rather than hospital facilities. It's quiet at this time of night, no one really still in the area outside of the janitorial staff. "Close your eyes," I instruct her.

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