Chapter 58

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Holland POV

  A swift up kick to my ribs startles me away, although my body doesn't want to move nearly as quick as my eyes pop open. With a moan and groan I shift onto my back before moving the head of the bed up to a sitting position. 

  The way Evy is punching at my bladder makes me move a little quicker for fear of creating a puddle in the bed. With the IV stand in one hand I shuffle my way to the bathroom, my feet feeling about three times their normal size thanks to swelling.  

  I'm not a genius, but I've been a nurse long enough to know that it's incredibly possible that Evy will make her appearance early rather than on time. Which is one of the reasons the doctor insisted last night to give me the injection to help with her lung development. 

  I may have been in and out of it for most of the afternoon and early evening. But after Ari's declaration and question, I sat up, my fingers scrubbing against his scalp as he finally calmed down enough to sleep. I may  have snuck a look at my own chart, just to see what all I'd missed while being delirious with the fever. 

  And if I had any question as to whether or not that oddly timed proposal was true, the note I spot when I'm climbing back into bed would be a vast reminder. 

  "Gone for coffee. I love you," and it's signed "your baby daddy."

  "You hear that, sweetheart. You're gonna have a daddy, after all." The thought warms my heart now. The ache at the idea of her growing up without a father feeling like a distant memory. As though she understands me she does what feels like a somersault in her small space. 

  I slip the note into my purse that sits in its permanent spot on the bedside table.  When I turn around the door opens with the delivery of my cafeteria breakfast plate. I think I might be just hungry enough to swallow down the low sodium meal.

  The room is quiet, a lot quieter than yesterday afternoon when my door was opening every few minutes.  For the moment, I don't mind it as I let my mind wander back to midnight, replaying each sweet word Ari spoke and tender touch he made towards my little girl. 

  He's going to be an incredible father, and I get a front row seat for all of it. 

  I finish off the last bite of what I'm sure is turkey bacon, swallowing it down with the promise to Evy that I'd make Ari bring her a cinnamon roll later on. I push the rolling table off to the side as a knock sounds from the other side of the door. 

  "Knock, knock!" the sickly sweet voice flows into the room, making my stomach drop. 

  I plaster a smile on my face, "Hi, Lissy. What are you doing here so early?"

  "I have the morning off. Dropped Mason off at school and thought I'd stop by." She walks in carrying a box. It's not overly large at all and doesn't appear to be heavy with the ease that she carries it in front of her tiny frame.  "I figured something must've been going on last night. Ari fled the house like a bat out of hell. Didn't even say goodbye to Mason."

  "Oh, uh yeah. I was pretty sick."

  "Couldn't have been that bad if you're looking as up beat as you are this morning," she says warmly, taking the seat that's become reserved for Ari. The leather now molded perfectly to his backside with how much time he spends there. "I was reminiscing recently, what with our talk about how Ari and I are trying for another baby. Went looking through a box that I kept of little mementos from my pregnancy and then his baby book. Thought I'd come share some of them with you."

  Awkward is a really great word to describe how I'm feeling as I lay in bed, relatively helpless outside of saying 'no thanks, I'm good.' And yet also knowing that I'm too nice and will sit here and let her talk all about her pregnancy with Mason, and whatever little anecdote she might toss in about her romp in the sack with my fiancée. 

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