Chapter 54

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  "What was that bud?" I ask, wanting to make sure I heard him correctly and silently praying I heard wrong.  

  His nonchalance attitude that most five year olds would not be portraying in such a situation tells me what I need to know, but I also know that I have to hear it. 

  "I'll have to get another new daddy," he says the words again as I turn down his mother's street.

  While I remind myself to breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth, I continue the conversation. "What do you mean?" I slow the truck down to nearly a crawl in order to have these few extra minutes with him. 

  "Well, I mean, I had one but mama said he died," the faintest touch of sadness fills his tiny voice. "Then when we moved here she told me you were my new daddy. She said you'd be around longer. Guess she was wrong," he shrugs, using the back of his sleeve to wipe away the remnants of the ice cream on his face. 

  A slew of colorful words are fighting against my grit to escape my mouth. Words that no child should ever really hear, especially when they're pointed towards his mother. Words that I've never used in such a way towards a woman, more specifically a woman I thought I had loved, or was willing to spend my life with. 

  A life of  nothing but one extravagant lie.

  I notice Shauna's car in the rearview mirror and lay on the gas, ready to get this done and over with. I don't belong here, I never did. I belong with Holland and Evy, and it's time for that part of my life to become permanent.

Pulling up to the house I notice another vehicle in the driveway, a grey truck to be exact. I put my own truck in park on the side of the road, the feeling that whoever the owner of the grey truck is will want to make a quick getaway.

"Stay right here for a second, okay?" I instruct Mason who gives me a quiet "Yes, sir."

I push open my door with fervor, but close it much quieter than one would think possible in this situation. Shauna is in the process of getting out of her own car, looking at me strangely when I tell her to stay put. "I need you to let Mason stay with you until this is finished," I nearly whisper as I get closer to her. "I don't think it'll be long, but he doesn't deserve to hear what's about to go down."

"Ari," she starts, her expression is battling between a brokenness and anger, probably matching what my heart must look like right now. "He isn't yours, is he?"

I shake my head, taking a step back towards the truck. "Did you bring it?" She reaches into the backseat, brandishing a tote bag with the frame sitting inside.

"You're gonna go sit in the car with Aunt Shauna for a few minutes, alright?" I tell Mason, helping him out of the cab of the truck with ease, knowing this will be the last time I pick him up or hold his hand. 

  "Aunt Shauna!" he squeals, running towards my sister. She crouches down to grab him up in her arms, a pained smile on her face. He may not be our blood, but we've loved him like he was over the last few months. It's not his fault his mother is a monster who gets off on screwing with people's emotions. 

  "Do you know who that truck belongs to?" she asks over his shoulder. "It was here that day."

  The question is meant for me, but it's Mason who answers before I can. "That's Mr. Blain's truck."

  I huff an exasperated low chuckle in my chest. "This is getting better and better," I mumble through clenched teeth. "Sit in the car with Aunt Shauna. I'll see you in a little bit, alright?"  The little boy smiles sweetly at me, unknowing of so many ways his own mother has abused him emotionally. 

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