Chapter 37

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  I keep my cool as Shauna breezes through the front door, apologizing profusely but giving me a look that tells me exactly why she's running late. I give her a grin, a hug and slip my hand around Lissy's waist as she's wiping away the red lipstick kiss she's left on Mason's cheek. 

  "One day, buddy, you won't want it wiped off," I tease him, watching as he grimaces when she uses her spit to get the last bit off. "Let's go, baby."

  "Be good for Aunt Shauna, sweet boy." Her eyes shift to Shauna. "He goes to bed in an hour. Feel free to watch whatever, there's leftovers in the fridge if you're hungry."

  "Sounds good," my sister answers through gritted teeth, making me roll my eyes. I push open the door, another attempt to get Lissy on her way when she twists around once more. "Oh, by the way. I wanted to ask if you'd be a bridesmaid."

  Shauna is taken by surprise, about as much as I was when Lissy had mentioned it to begin with earlier in the week. She'd asked that I not mention anything and let her do it on her own timetable. I expected it to be in a little nicer manner, but here we are. 

  "Can I get back to you on that?"

  Her answer stuns my fiancée, she'd truly believed it would come out as an easy yes. I haven't dare spoken a word about my sister's feelings, deciding if she wants to make them known then that's on her. If she keeps them to herself, even better, for my sake at least.  

  "Um, sure. I suppose. But, it's coming up kind of soon, like a couple months to be exact. So, ya know, dresses and all will need to be ordered."

  "I'll get back with you soon, I promise," Shauna assures her enough to appease her for now as we slip out the door. 

  "You didn't tell me it was in the ballroom of the fanciest hotel in the city," Lissy whispers into my ear as I give the valet my keys to the truck. "I don't suppose you got us a room here for the night and Shauna is going to keep Mason?" she asks with a sincere amount of hope behind her voice. 

  Damn. That would've been a good idea. 

  "Actually, no. Shauna has work first thing tomorrow. I kind of expect her to be passed out on the couch when we get back." I see the disappointed look on her face and the small pout on her lips. I give her nose a small tap with my finger, "I'll make it up to you. Promise."

  "With a dance?" she requests, her blue eyes dancing as the same finger that tapped her nose reaches up to touch her soft blonde curls. 

  "I don't dance," I remind her, a smug smirk on my lips. But then the pout gets a little more prominent so I toss in a "We'll see."

  The stations in the area went all out this year. Not only is it in the most prestigious hotel in the city, but they've got a ten piece band with a crooner already filling the room with the sounds of Ella Fitzgerald.  "It's beautiful," Lissy mentions, taking it all in as we walk towards our table, front and center to the stage. 

  I pull out the chair for Lissy, tucking it under her as she begins to sit. "What would you like to drink?" I ask, ready to head to the bar already as I'm feeling out of place in this attire.

  "Champagne, please."

  I give a nod and make my way to the bar, placing our order.  Chief Schneider saddles up next to me, asking if I'd manage to get Holland to come. "Pretty sure," I answer, looking around the room, "but I don't think she's here yet." 

  We make idle chit chat, as he asks me how I'm doing now that I've been back a few weeks. It's only be the last two that he's let me go back out on calls, but things are going well. I had yet to mention to him about possibly stepping away all together to insure at least a higher, though incredibly small, chance of having another child after Lissy and I are married. 

  My fingers tap against the cherry wood of the bar, thinking to myself it might be an easier conversation to have while either one of us is slightly intoxicated, looking like Chief is already at least one glass in. "I've been meaning to uh, talk to you," I begin, keeping my eyes forward on the bartender.  When I don't get a response I turn to my right, making sure he's still there, but he's looking over my shoulder towards the entrance.

  A quick glance over my shoulder makes me do a double take, turning a complete one eighty away from my boss.  The sight in front of me making me forget that I've ordered any drinks at all, my body feeling an immediate need to be as close as possible to the woman entering the room. 

  It's as though I'm having an outer body experience. I always laughed when Jeremy would say he felt this magnetic pull to Holland, that it was how he knew he was going to marry her and keep her his forever. 

  I've never known whether or not that type of saying is true, but if I had to answer with my life on the line, in this moment, I'd say I'm a believer.

 With quick, long strides, ignoring everyone else around me, a magnetic pull is exactly where I find myself, lifting the hand of easily the most stunning woman in the entire room.

    "Ethereal," I sigh over her knuckles as my lips graze them.

  Holland watches me, strangely confused by my actions or maybe my words. "What was that?" she asks.

  Hurriedly I remind myself of my fiancée sitting just across the room, possibly seeing this all unfold, suddenly making the collar of my shirt feel too tight. "Glad you could make it," I say, saving face I hope. I do however offer her my arm, "You're at my table. Can I escort you over?" 

  She looks nervous, her hands fiddling with the layer of whatever fabric that's called, before moving on to try and smooth out her curls. "I shouldn't be here, Ari."

  I take her hand once more, tucking it into my elbow. "Yes, you should. Trust me, alright?"  I say quietly, gazing into her brown eyes as they continue to try and dance around the room. "I've got you, beautiful."

  One statement that changes her entire demeanor.

  One statement that even centers myself.

  She gives a small nod, giving the go ahead for us to continue our way through the room.  Holland's hand tightens against my arm as Lissy's face lights up with our return. "Holly, I'm so glad you decided to come!" she exclaims while getting up to greet our newest arrival. I don't miss the look that crosses Holland's face, unnerved by the nickname, and yet she plays it off with an incredible amount of grace that only she can manage. "Sit by me, please," she requests of her, making me change the direction of the chair next to my own to the one Lissy is all but dragging Holland to.

  There's a discomfort clouding Holland's features, I'd recognize it a mile away. And if it weren't for that kiss during her moment of rage, maybe it wouldn't be there at all. 

  I pull out the seat for Holland, asking if the baby has been moving around a lot today. "She's been a bit lazy this evening," she admits. "Reminds me of Jeremy after shifts." There's a pain behind her smile, one that I wish I could erase.

  "Ari, baby, I think you forgot something," Lissy mentions as I go to sit next to her. I glance around the table, and down at my suit wondering if I'd missed a button.  "The drinks," she chuckles.

  "Oh, right. Champagne for you," she gives me a nod, "And Holland, what would you like?"  

  "I'm just going to have water," she tells me, pointing to the goblet already filled with ice water.

  "Alright then. Give me five minutes, ladies, and I'll be back."

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