Chapter 49

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  I decided to cover all of my bases. One bag sways from my hand filled with Holland's favorite donut, favorite brownie, favorite muffin and a slice of chocolate cake.  My opposite hand is clutching a much heavier bag that includes her chili cheese fries, a cup of chili, a greasy patty melt and a salad that probably has no business being included.  And a tray of different drinks sitting between both hands in such a way that I'm actually using my hip to call the elevator down to the lobby. 

  "Nice hip action, Levinson," Joy says cheekily, saddling up next to me. I stop my antics and let her press the button.  "Are you feeding the whole floor tonight?"

  "Uh, not that I know," I answer, walking onto the elevator. "But, I suppose whatever she doesn't choose will be up for grabs. You may have to fight Shauna for some of it though."

  She gives me a shy smile, not one that comes across flirtatious but rather one like she wants to say something but is too scared to do so. "What?" I ask with my own smirk.

  "You should know we're all placing bets on who you actually end up marrying."

  The tone of my next 'What' comes out in disbelief, making her laugh. "Don't worry, the only one saying Felicity is a girl that just started last week and that's only because your sister wants better odds."

  "For crying out loud," I mumble under my breath as the doors open. "We haven't even had a date yet," my eyes move down the hall to see my sister walking towards me, "and you guys are already trying to marry us off?"  Shauna's eyes grow wide as she hears me, turning a sharp left into a room in order to not face me. "I've got your coffee!" I call out.

  "Joy can get it for me!" she hollers, poking her head out just far enough.

   "It's that one," I point my nose towards Shauna's drink. "You know if she's awake?"

"How should I know? I came up with you, remember?"

  "Right," I shake my head, "sorry." My head is definitely not as present as I'd like it to be. Hopefully when I walk through that hospital door, things will feel like they're back in place.

  With an expertise use of my hip once more, I'm able to push open Holland's door without spilling a drop of anything. But that all could change once I see her eyes that are welling up with tears.  

  "Whatever it is, I didn't do it. I just got here," I partially fib and try to save face in the fact that I was here about an hour earlier but empty handed. 

  Her lower lip, all pink and pouty, begins to tremble as I set down the drink carrier. "You're here," she says, questioning me.

  "Where else would I be?" I ask, tilting my head with a cocky smile. 

  She sniffles, her nose scrunching up before she uses the back of her hand to wipe at it. "I couldn't remember your schedule for today, so I thought maybe you were working tonight and I wasn't going to get to see you."

  My eyes, and heart, fill with hopeful warmth. "Really?"

  Her face contorts, giving in to a fresh wave of sobs, catching me completely off guard. "That's not completely true," she whines through her tears. 

  I'm biting back my smile now, recognizing the hormone change she's experiencing, but not willing to actually question her if that's what is happening? "Tell me the truth then."

 She lifts the remote from the bed, flipping the television back on, revealing exactly what was making her cry. The Princess Bride is playing, the part when Wesley is tumbling down the hill and he's already shouted out those famous words that make Buttercup realize that he is the love of her life.  "Oh, sweetheart," I lightly chuckle, shifting the rolling tray out of my way in order to sit down and hold her. I freely smile as she buries her head in my chest, my hand wrapping around her back to soothe her.

  I'm met with her warm skin against my palm, the back of her gown being untied again.  The harsh swallow I force upon myself is strictly to keep my own self in check, because now is not the time to make any sort of big deal over the fact that I'm touching her in a way I never have before.

  But leave it to Holland's hormones to flip their switch.

  "Oh, no!" she squeals, jerking away from me, my hand flying off to the side as my eyes grow in surprise and shock. "Sorry! I completely forgot."

  I pay  her no mind, rising from the bed to begin pulling out all of the dinner options I'd purchased. "You've got options. Wasn't sure which direction you might be feeling, so you choose. Although, Joy is hoping you don't choose everything so she can fight Shauna for the leftovers."

  "Ari," she says quietly when I push the tray back towards her. I give a hum as a response but it's lost on her I suppose as I see her scooping up the patty melt, taking a huge bite out of it. A sweet little moan fills my ears as I see her closing her eyes and savoring the bite. 

  "You eat, I'm gonna talk to my girl." I pull the chair up closer to the bed, resting my hand over Holland's gown, the sheets pushed down near her thighs. I lean in a bit closer, my lips just hovering over the material covering her belly. "Hi there sweet girl. It's Uncle Ari, the guy who I think your Ma only keeps around because she knows I'll bring her greasy food."

  I drag my eyes up Holland's body, seeing her watch me closely, which only eggs me on. "I wonder if she knows I'll do anything and everything for her?"  Evy's little hand pushes out, right where my mouth lingers. "What's that, my sweet girl? You think mommy wants an Uncle Ari kiss?" 

  I quirk my brow at Holland, questioning her without words. I watch her throat bob, her hand setting down the sandwich as her nerves grow. I can't help myself, pushing the envelope a bit in my teasing and instead of sitting up to taste her lips, I lean a bit further in and place a chaste kiss over the old green hospital gown. 

  "Was that for me, or the baby?" Holland asks, her voice soft and tiny. 

  "Both, I suppose," I answer, sitting up straighter in the chair. "Unless you have any other ideas?"

  Her precious eyes begin to well again, a hand moving to cover her trembling lips. I search her eyes, utterly confused by how my words have led to her tears. "Help me out, please."

  "I want a kiss. A real kiss. But, I just ate a mouthful of onions." I laugh loudly, ready to pounce on her and prove that some onion breath is not enough to keep me from her. But then, her next words make me fumble.  "And a date. I want a real date, with you.  When the baby comes, she'll consume me. And whatever you and I are is going to just dwindle away, I  know it. And you'll go back to Lissy and-"

  The ache in my chest is enough to make me move again, my lips covering hers without warning as I swallow her words. Both of my hands cup her damp cheeks when I pull back, my forehead resting against hers. 

  "I wish I could wine and dine you now, beautiful."

  She sniffles again, her tongue swiping against her lower lip. "You're doing a pretty good job with the dining party," she chuckles, her cheeks growing in happiness underneath the palms of my hands. 



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