Moving to Italy

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Sylvia's POV:

We opened the door and everyone was there, it scared me so I jumped. I hug everyone tight before I hold my hand up showing the ring.

"Oh wow that's so pretty girl, where did you find this?" Shari asked.

"I don't know, Raidin got it for me," I smirk.

Slowly realization hit everyone, "OMG YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED!!" They all shouted as the girls gave me a tight hug.

I laugh as we all just hug one another. Raidin and I sat everyone down and told them our plans to move to Italy. I offer for Damien to move with us if he wanted to. He accepted and I tackled him, giving him a big hug. Marvin was a little sad he was losing me as a bartender once again. I promised him if I came up with any good drink ideas he can use them. Shari was gonna be my maid of honour and she was so excited.

Slowly over the next few months Raidin, Damien and I packed our things. Raidin called his sisters and they came over to help pack. He talked to them about them taking over the apartment business he built. They took it and also congratulated us on getting engaged. I liked them the most out of the rest of his family as they are much sweeter. They made comments on my clothes while packing and I found it funny. They also pointed out how many of Raidin's hoodies I stole from him.

"Hey they are warm and I love baggy hoodies the most, they also look cool."

We all laughed and went back to packing. Raidin had any furniture we wanted to keep shipped over. I sold most of my stuff since it was never mine, to begin with. Most of Damien's things got shipped over with most of his clothes. I was gonna miss this place so much as I had so many great memories that happened here.

On the day of us moving away to Italy, I stand in the middle of the hall remembering the bomb threat. I just wonder where we would be if that event never happened. Raidin came up and hugged me from behind and rested his head on top of mine. I get my phone out and take a photo of us. This will probably be the last photo we'll ever take here. We take another of us kissing and showing the wedding rings.

"Where one chapter ends, another begins. Our next chapter begins in Italy together forever with my big Gummy Bear fiance."

"If anyone wants to ruin it then I'll happily kill them for my darling Sugarplum fiance." He pulled me in for another kiss.

We got to Italy and unpacked our things into the house we stayed at for the party. I loved the house the most out of all the homes on the land. Raidin, Nonna and Nonno have been teaching me Italian since we arrived. It's a little difficult to learn but I was getting a hold of it rather well. Nonna would hit my hands with a spoon when I would say it wrong. Luckily it took me 2 tries to get it right. They would test me out of the blue by just asking questions in Italian.

Raidin had his own struggles learning how to manage the Villa and Winery at once. When the day would end I'd give him shoulder and back massages to ease his tension. I even use massage oil to help ease his muscles a bit more. I think he looks forward to this at the end of the day as he would just lay in bed waiting for me. We have been taking a break from sex with everything going on. I do not wanna be the reason he burns himself out.

Summer came around a lot faster than I thought. Guess all the prep time just flew by so fast. Raidin had an early morning meeting with a few people today. I got into some red, dark gray, light gray and white camo leggings. I got a sports bra on as I wanted to go on a run around the vineyard. As I walk to the main house I see Nonna in the kitchen making coffee.

"Buongiorno Nonna," I kiss her cheek as I go to the fridge to get some water.

"Buongiorno anche a te mia cara. Puoi fare qualcosa per me?" Nonna said. (Good morning to you as well my dear. May you do something for me?)

I process what she said and I think about my response, "Sicuramente qualcosa per te, in cosa posso aiutarti?" (Sure anything for you, what may I help you with?)

"Il Nonno ha bisogno di prendere le medicine stamattina ed è in riunione con Raidin. Ho bisogno che tu li porti e del caffè ad entrambi." (Grandpa needs to take his meds this morning and he's in the meeting with Raidin. I need you to take them and some coffee up to the both of them.)

I blush as I was not dressed to walk into a meeting room at all but it's for Nonna. "Certo, nonna, posso farlo per te." (Sure thing Grandma, I can do that for you.)

Nonna gave me a kiss on the cheek before I left with the tray. I ask which meeting room the men are in and one of the employees shows me the way.

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