Getting my Girl back

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I grip the steering wheel pissed off that I have to even save her like this. I was hoping I never had her deal with this side of my job till I had a chance to tell her. This is no way she should find out about my family's business. We all park our cars away from the manor and start walking over. I have one of my men in her van ready to ram the gate with backup ammunition. I made sure that any of my or Marvin's men found her to guard her with their lives.

I order Rix in the van to ram the gate and he gladly does as I say. I was waiting for gunfire to begin but not a single shot from their end. He planned all this knowing we'd make our way here. What is this basterds plan? I grit my teeth as we make it to the front door and barge in, seeing him and his men standing there.

"Hand her over now Armani and I just might go easy on your torture." I glare at him as he stands there grinning.

"And why would I want to do such a thing?" He said, crossing his arms.

"Give me my girl back jackass or this is war," I shout, flicking the safety on my gun off.

"She's staying with me as now she's carrying my child inside her. So now she's my girl and I will make her mine forever."

Everything inside me ran like ice hearing this bastard dared to do such things to my Sylvia, to my Sugarplum. The shock ran off and I was now filled with the rage of me just thinking of the things he did to her. I was about to go off when someone ran to Armani and got his attention. I grip my gun tight as I was ready to just fucking end everyone here.


I grin hearing she got away hopefully at a safe distance from here. I order my men to fire knowing she's nowhere near us now and I make sure they know to not kill Armani just yet. I was gonna torture him myself that he even dared to touch her let alone that. I have a few men run around to find her, some stay inside the manor others outside. She could be anywhere in this giant manor lost and could be hurt severely. I hope if she gets away she heads home.

Damien is at the apartment waiting in case of the worst and we need immediate medical attention. All my men have earpieces in and they were to contact me the moment they had her safe and sound. As time ticks by and I hear nothing about her being found the more pissed I get. The fight lasted till sunrise and we lost many on both sides but I and my men won the fight. Armani just lay on the ground panting as he was bleeding out. I kick his gun away so he can't get the easy way out.

"Hope you've prepared yourself because if she isn't found safe and sound. I'll personally make your life a living nightmare for as long as I can." I push my foot onto one of his bullet wounds.

"Rote in hell Scarpelli." He spits some blood on my pants.

"Oh, I'll see you and your father there. Take him away and take care of our special guest and give him a warm welcome to his new home, at the house." I ordered two men that weren't terribly injured.

"Boss we looked all over the inside and outside of the manor, we can not spot her anywhere," Drok told me.

"Keep looking, she couldn't have gotten far on foot," I tell him and my men that aren't hurt too badly just to keep looking. "Where are you Sugarplum?"

I leave to join the search in hopes I can find her faster. I make sure to search every room and hide holes I can find. I wasn't going to leave here without her by my side. I find a room with a nightgown on the bed and I go over and pick it up. I place it to my nose and it smelt like Sylvia, this was the room he kept her in all this time. I rip that damn thing to shreds that she could have worn this when he had his way with her.

I storm out of there, "If she's nowhere to be seen on the grounds. I want this place burned down, leaving no trace of what took place here today. I'm gonna whip this motherfucker from the face of this planet, even if it's the last thing I do. He is going to fucking die for impregnating my girl," I get out of there and head to my car.

I needed to cool down before I kill him too soon, but the thoughts of the things he did to her would just not leave. I grip the wheel of my car and just gun it down the road. My knuckles turned white the tighter my grip got on the wheel.

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