No one touches the Bosses Girl

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I grab my beer and take a sip as she faces away from us. My eyes glide over her back thinking how soft her skin would feel. When my eyes landed on her butt I noticed something on her lower back. I noticed a star-shaped birthmark right on the small of her back. That's when it clicked I nearly spat my drink out realizing SHE'S DALILA. I looked at the king and his mouth was already dropped and was already looking at me. He covered his eyes so he wasn't looking at her and guess he realized who she was as well.

I was gonna say something but I heard a blood-curdling scream. Both of us snapped our heads to her seeing her bra was now undone. I look at Mariano next to me with a sick and twisted grin while looking at her. Did he just do that to his own niece, oh was I livid. Soon Damien came and took her away to the back. I got up and grabbed Mariano's collar and raised him to my face screaming.

"You sick fuck how could you do such a thing."

"I know you wanted to do it as well son, I just had the balls to make the first move." He licked his lips.

I snapped and threw him over the table and jumped over too before I started to beat his face in for doing that to her. I couldn't figure out what pissed me off more. That he did that to his own niece or that I just really didn't want other men touching her. I felt his wife pulling my jacket to make me stop but I didn't. I soon felt a hand on my face making me look over and I saw her face. I can see the fear in her eyes that she's seeing me like this. I stop punching him as I look at her.

I got to my feet and back off. I was about to speak when Damien took her to the back again. Oh, her eyes are a beautiful emerald green that with her purple hair just adds to her beauty so much. After the med team checked my hands over we left and the King was looking all over. Mariano's wife was giving me an ear full for nearly beating her husband to death. She better be happy that she stopped me cause I was going to do it. I bend down to get into her face making her stop her shouting.

I lean next to her ear, "If he even touches that girl again it will be a bullet between his eyes. Keep him away from her for good. If you don't you'll be there on the ground with him, understand me bitch?"

"Y-yes Mr.Scarpelli." She said with a shaky voice.

I woke up as the sun shined in my room and I rolled over on my back. I look to the empty space in my bed seeing her laying there asleep. I grip the sheets wishing she was here with me right now. I run my hands through my hair looking to the roof. I just got up and took a shower to go to work today. I'll wait for the party to talk to her and give her space so she can spend time with her dad. I hope they keep shut about our past, if she learns it from someone else she will never talk to me again.

As the weeks pass all I can think about is Sugarplum and hoping the king is treating her well. I get dressed in an all-black suit and styled my hair in a half up half down messy man bun. I didn't want to spend time doing it if I wasn't planning on keeping it neat. I got a text from my famiglia telling me they are downstairs. I grab my suitcase as we are staying there for a little while. I get in my car and follow their car to the King's kingdom. Every minute that passes and the closer I get the more excited I feel.

I rolled down the window to keep myself cool as it was getting too hot in the car. I hang my hand out the window feeling the cold winter air. We finally make it and we park the car where we always do. He gave us permanent parking spots for when we visit. A lot of people were already here so we gathered our things and headed inside. I spot the king and queen greeting people along with the twins Ivy and Stells with Maxwell. I hate the twins so much, always clinging to me.

"RAIDIN!!" They both shout and run over grabbing my arms.

I groan hating this so much, I just ignore everyone around us as I try looking for Sylvia. She has to be close, where is she come on, she has to be here or she's getting dressed?

"Let's get you all settled in, you all know your regular rooms by now so go set your things down and come back for the party," Golia said with a big smile.

"We'll take Raidin to his room," Ivy said, trying to press her chest on my arm.

"I'm going on my own." I pull my arms free from the two of them.

"Awe but Rairai come on," Stells said, trying to be cute.

I turn and glare at them, I can see the fear fill them as they try to get close to me again. "Stay away from me." I stormed off pissed that she called me that.

I knew my way around well as we had rooms for us and us alone. I liked it as my room was far away from the twins' room. I was about to turn the corner when I heard her giggle and stop in my tracks.

"Ok, you guys can leave your things in my room till show time begins."

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