Strict Rules

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"Sweety, you're not gonna let her talk to me like that are you?" She fake cries to Dad.

"I'm on her side with this one," Dad points to me. "How can you insult a tattoo she got to remember her own mother, her dead mother and my past wife? I may not like tattoos but if it is to remember a loved one I'm all for it." He looks at me, "It's beautiful, your mother loved phoenixes. She had a bracelet with one on it so that is perfect to remember her bye."

"Thank you, Dad, that means a lot coming from you," I smile.

"You smile just like your mother and look so much like her. How big is the tattoo, if I may ask and how long did it take?"

"So the wings go from shoulder to shoulder and the tail goes as far as just under my belly button. It took several days to do over a few months."

"You have any more?" He raised a brow at me as he put some foot in his mouth.

I kind of looked away as that was a yes I had a few I got done over the last 6 years. I'm an adult and don't need his permission to get them.

"Yes, from my knee going a little up my ribs to just under my bust, I have a large tree with roses and cherry blossoms and a full moon. It even has a Chinese dragon wrapped around the trunk, it all looks like an old Chinese watercolour painting. I had the dragon match my hair colour as it's my favourite colour, with some black and gold. It was drawn up by a friend from the bar, her drawing was just black and white but I wanted to add some colour. I thought it would be cool as a tattoo so they said I should get it done. So I did, they helped pay for it too, saying it was a birthday gift."

They all just kept giving me this shocked look while I tell them about my tattoo. I roll my eyes that I don't care what they have to say or how they think of me.

"I also have branches around my right ankle with a black silhouette of a crow. Along my spine from my hairline to the star birthmark, I have a vine of moonflowers. I do remember Mom calling me her little moonflower right before the crash."

'Surprised he's not asking about my lip piercings at all. Guess because they can be taken out, unlike my tattoos.'

I was still planning on getting more as I liked them and they're beautiful. I just ate as silence fell in the room. We soon all finished and Dad asked me to follow him to his study. I follow and he sits in his chair and I sit in one across from him. I just looked around seeing all the things he had in there.

"Sylvia I don't want to ruin your fun but you can't get any more tattoos while under my roof. It's not a good look for a princess to have such thing's on her body. Do you understand me?"

"Then I'll leave and go back to my house, you have no power over me to control what can and can not do with my own body. 7 years ago you could have made up for lost time yet waited till now to even try. I didn't know you were even alive till yesterday and you think you can control my life now. News flash, you can't and you won't. If this is all it's going to be like, you riding my ass because of what I do with my body. Then also having a stepmom and stepsisters that clearly hate me, why should I stay?"

"Please I can't lose you again," He begged.

"How can you lose something you never had? I'm not gonna change how and who I am just to please your image. If you didn't like how I live my life then why bother even trying to rekindle a relationship? Clearly, you fucked up so bad mom left you and took me away from you so give me a reason to stay?" I cross my legs and arms, eyeing him down.

"Fine I won't stop you from doing what you want but just cover them when we have guests over. I would like to introduce you as my daughter as many thought you died. We have an annual New Year's Eve party and I want to introduce you there. Please, Sylvia, I will try and be a great father to you," I can tell he means his words. "I should also let you know your real birthday is on June 24th, it not December 8th."

"Deal and I'm gonna keep being rude to them if they are rude to me first. Well haha, that's good to know now, I'll have to fix a few things to get them in order." This is gonna take a while to get the date fixed on my birth certificate and other legal documents.

"Understandable that's why I didn't stop you. Now you may go do whatever just be careful where you go. Use the last name you gave yourself if people ask who you are and you wanna dress," His eyes go over my outfit. "Like that."

I won't even touch on that as I get up and wave bye. I go to the foyer before walking outside. The rest of the day was uneventful as I just went out shopping and drove around the town. I couldn't believe I was royalty. My mind was racing, wondering what life would be like if mom never ran away. Bet I'd be like the spoiled ass twins but I wasn't gonna let Dad's money get to me. If Dad wants to spoil me I won't stop him but I will not be demanding him to pay for things.

I do my best to ignore the twins as I want nothing to do with them at all. They have tried to break into my room many times for whatever reason. Good thing I keep the door locked when I am or am not in there. I sometimes catch the maids gossiping about the twins about how rude they are. I let them know my lips are sealed and I will not tell on them to my father. I would sometimes join in on the gossip just for fun and to add to it. The maids and butlers are really cool to talk with and hang around.

Sometimes if I see one struggling I'll help out so it's easier. Slowly the new year was approaching and I got myself a super sexy dress. I hid it away from my family, they want me to hide and cover up. Clearly, they don't get me at all. Victoria came to me like a week and a half before New Year with the ugliest-looking dress ever. If I threw up on it, it would make it look better. It didn't flatter me at all like I bet she's trying to make her and her daughters feel and look better.

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