6 Years

15 1 0

Of course, every guy they picked for me was nearly all the same. It was like these guys never had real sex before and were lied to by their exes. They finally did stop trying to set me up with guys so I was just going to live my happy single life. They asked about my first relationship but I didn't want to talk about him at all.

"He was a cheat so please don't make me talk about him." They dropped it at that and never asked again.

I couldn't believe it's been 6 years since moving to this town. Well, other than those so-called dates I went on and those hookups. I regret those so much but I am just happy being single right now. It's great having all my friends with me, new and old. Cookie and King by my side all day, every day is just the best. I'm happy I found this cute little town and moved in.

"Hey, Sylv's, what are you doing for your upcoming birthday?" My boss asked from her office.

"My friends are coming down for New Year so other than that nothing much for me, why?" I ask as I clean the bar as it was closing time.

"Good, keep your calendar open," She just smiles before going into her office and closing the door.

'She's plotting something and I know it, she always did something for our birthdays. It is never just nothing with her.'

I just let it go as there is no stopping her when it comes to our birthdays. It's always a fun time. As the days were ticking down she would look at me and giggle. I look at my friends and they would giggle as well before going back to work. Seems everyone is in on this surprise other than me. I just do my best to ignore their giggles the closer my birthday comes.

Some days my mind would wander back to me being back in my place across the hall from him. But remembering what that prick said plays back over and over, that he is a part of the mob. That explained why the bomb that nearly killed me was sent. It just explains so much about how he was over that year I knew him. I bet he never loved me for real and it was all fake for some sick game of his. But I can't lie to myself, that year was the best of my life, he made me feel loved and wanted.

"No, I will not cry for a cheating lying scumbag," I wiped the tears away and just tried to get back to my life without him.

I do my best to focus on my birthday, the holidays and New Year coming up. I needed to get some shopping done to get gifts for everyone. I had a list of names and things I knew I wanted to get them. It didn't help that I was tired every day either, I was struggling to stay awake. My night terrors, of that night, came back more often than before. Cookie and King have been sharing my bed with me since they started and it helps so much.

Finally, my birthday came around and everyone was throwing me a party after work today. I laugh as people keep pointing out the crown my boss was making me wear. They tried to get me to wear the sash as well but I turned it down. The crown was enough for me as I mixed drinks and brought them to people's tables. Everyone would keep telling me happy birthday and it was so nice. I didn't mind working on my birthday at all since we got that party afterwards.

A couple asked for their recitation so I got it and the machine for them. They pay as I get the containers for their food. I collected the machine and the nice tip they gave. I wish them both a good night and a safe drive home. When the couple left I cleaned up their table of plates and whipped it down. I see someone walk through the door and I greet them with a big smile.

"Take a seat anywhere you'd like sir," I say with a cheery tone.

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