I am Safe

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When I didn't have work I was working on the house giving it fresh coats of paint. I even got some used and new furniture all over. I got a nice black leather L couch someone was selling at a garage sale. They let me use their trailer to get it home and I returned it shortly after. It was hard moving the couch on my own but the neighbours were nice to help out. I just needed help getting it into the house as I could move the furniture myself.

This town is so amazing and everyone here is super sweet and helpful. My new neighbours even baked me a cake to welcome me to the area. I had to say thank you so I made them some cupcakes in different flavours so they could pick. I went with red velvet, chocolate, vanilla and birthday cake.

"Hello, I wanted to say thank you for your help with the couch and thank you for the cake. I made you a few different cupcakes, I didn't know about allergies so I mainly stayed away from nuts. Also here is your cake pan back, the cake was so good. I was far too tempted to just eat it in one sitting."

"Awe, darling you didn't have to do that but thank you so much. It's great to hear you loved the cake so much, if you need any more help with the house don't hesitate to ask."

"Thank you, have a great day," I smile and wave goodbye as I go back home.

Slowly everything was back to normal but I kept it down low in case they were looking for me. I really didn't want his men to find me and drag me back to the city. I even dyed my hair black just so they wouldn't truly recognize me. I wore sunglasses and heels a lot more often just to make sure.

I had texted Marvin's wife, Shari after being gone for 7 months and told her I was fine. I didn't want them to think I was dead at all, I hate thinking I was making them worry about me. I allowed her to tell Marvin and Damien but keep this away from Raidin, Drok and mainly anyone that works with or for him.


D: I miss you so fucking much and you scared the shit out of me Sis

S: I am so sorry Damien and so sorry for waiting for so long to tell you anything. I was just so scared of being dragged back home if Raidin or his guys found me.

M: We are just happy to hear you are alright but we heard the guy that kidnapped you got you pregnant. Is that true?

S: Um, as long as you guys do not tell Raidin anything can you keep a secret?

D: Of course Sis

M: Us too

S: The baby I learned after my abortion was Raidin's and not that prick. I was about 9 weeks along, the doctor said.

It was just pure silence for a while before I saw Damien typing.

D: Are you ok?

S: It was hard at first but I came to terms with it and I can't go back now.

M: Sylvia can we get your new address, Shari and I would like to send you some things. We would also like to visit someday.

D: Please Sis, I really need to see you, give me more peace of mind that you are ok

S: Again as long as it stays away from him and people he knows, sure.

M: We promise

D: Same here Sis

I was ok with that so I texted them my new address. Not long after I told them where I was living, all 3 of them and my friends from the venue came to visit. I was so happy to see everyone here. I was balling my eyes out, I was clinging to Damien the most. I had work and I was just leaving home so I invited them over to see my new job. My eyes were so red all my new friends from work were worried. I just said I was happy to have friends I haven't seen in a while.

I introduced Marvin to my new boss as I started my shift behind the bar outside. It was late summer in September and it was still warm out so it was still open. We had a few trees out back so the guests could sit under them and see them change colours. We all had a blast out back

Marvin tried to convince me to go back to the venue every time he texted, called or even visited me. I would have to turn him down as I was not risking running into him. Whenever his name was brought up I noticed they would have faces like they wanted to tell me something. At the exact same time like they really shouldn't tell me. I was concerned seeing those faces like did something really bad happen? They try to not bring him up again but since he is their friend and business colleague it's hard.

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