My Family is Dead

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I hug back before going and changing into my clothes. A pair of red skinny jeans that fade to black around the knees to the ankles. A sexy form-fitting t-shirt with a skull and angel wings as well as cuts in the front and back. It showed a lot but I love the look along with the boots and leather jacket.

I walk out meeting Damien before all of us girls leave making our way to the lobby. All our bodyguards surround us to make sure no one comes close. We just chat as we wait for the elevator to arrive on the top floor.

"DALILA, COME HERE NOW!" A man shouted.

"Oooh, someone's daddy's mad," One of the girls jokes, which made all of us laugh.

I soon felt a hand grab my arm and pulled me hard into someone's chest. I looked up and it was one of the VIP members and he looked livid. Damien got between us and held me to him while keeping the man away from me.

"Sir, we don't condone touching our performers," Damien said, keeping his hand on the man's chest.

"Give me my daughter jackass, she's mine." He shouts before trying to grab me again.

I go wide-eyed hearing that as Damien puts me behind him blocking the man, "I'm sorry what? She has no father, he's dead."

"Hand her over ri..." He was cut off by Marvin.

"Ok Mister Nourse calm down I bet there is a reasonable explanation for this," Marvin said, resting his hands on both their shoulders.

"She's my daughter, end of discussion now she's leaving with me or else, Mr.Gaines."

"EXCUSE ME!" I shout and everyone snaps their head to me. "I'm sorry what the fuck, this is not something you fucking joke about. I lost my father many years ago so shut up, you are not my father. Sorry, I'm not your daughter, I'm Sylvia Wolfe and I will never be your daughter. Both of my parents are dead so fuck off you scumbag," I felt tears fill my eyes and I made a run for the elevator.

I didn't care how I spoke to this man even if he was a VIP member here. I was not gonna stay quiet as someone claims to be my dead father. Damien followed me into the elevator hugging me as I ball my eyes out having to bring that shit up all over again. All the other girls' bodyguards blocked the entrance to the elevator as he tried to get in. I thank them all for their help.

I try to calm down before we make it to the parking garage as I took my bike here. No way Damien was letting me on till I was calm and level-headed to ride. We made it to my bike so he had me do breathing exercises to calm myself down. He cupped my face and leaned down kissing my forehead.

"Ok, I think you're good enough to ride. Go straight home ok, I'll pick up something on the way home and don't think about those creeps." He gives me one last hug before giving me my helmet from his car.

I nod yes as I take my helmet from him and he goes to leave. I wave bye as I get my helmet on and hook up my music to the speakers built-in. Putting my music on shuffle and get it in my pocket and zip it closed. I place my hand on the handlebars and I go to swing my leg over my bike. Somehow I kicked something making me stumble and fall on my ass, luckily my bike didn't fall on me.

"Ouch, that hurt."

I looked and saw a pair of legs so I followed them up and it was the guy that was beating the other man. My eyes widened as I backed away while still on the ground, I was scared of him from seeing what he did. I was also wondering how or where he came from as I didn't hear him walk up. I don't have my music that loud so I should have heard him coming. I get my phone out of my pocket and pause my music so I can speak.

"I-I'm so sorry I didn't see you there." I got back to my feet and bowed to him knowing he was very wealthy and he could get me fired. He didn't seem like the other man so I didn't want to be rude, "Please forgive me, sir."

I saw him grab the chin of my helmet, he was making me look up at him. I slowly stood back upright looking into his eyes. They were such a dark gray colour, even though he had murder in his eyes when punching the man. Right now all I see in his eyes is kindness and worry. His thick shoulder-length crimson-red wavy hair draped his face so well, a few strands fell in front of his face. He could be a model with a face like that and I bet his body is just as good under that suit.

'Damn it Sylvia he's way out of your damn league, get a hold of yourself, girl.' I thought to myself.

"No harm done, I wanted to make sure you were ok. You left before I had a chance to ask," He asked.

"I'm fine thank you, don't think I'll be performing for a while. First time performing and that happens, yeah not gonna happen." I felt a chill run down my spine as I looked away from him. I wrapped my arms around myself feeling so violated.

"That's a shame, you were my favourite to watch." With that, I looked at him and he gave a charming smile showing off his shiny white teeth.

"I-I'm nowhere near as good as the other girls, I was only on stage because a girl got hurt and Marvin needed a replacement. I'm normally a bartender at these events. I wanna thank you for the tip that was very kind of you." I say as he gave me a 100-dollar bill.

"You're welcome and you were amazing, don't ever sell yourself short, my little Sugarplum." He grabs the chin of the helmet again.

"I should get going, it's late and I need some sleep. Please have a safe drive home, sir." I say looking into his eyes as I feel my cheeks get hotter to him calling me Sugarplum. 'Why does his voice sound so familiar?' I think.

"And so should you, don't want a beauty like you getting hurt." He wiggles the helmet side-to-side and then pats the top before turning and walking away.

I watch him walk away and my eyes drift over his body in that suit. It fit him very well and he had a very nice ass from what I can see. I blush catching myself checking him out. I flip the visor down and get on my bike, when leaving and passing him I give a wave goodbye. 

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