Boxing day out

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"Not gonna lie I hated him at first and he scared the hell out of me. I wanted nothing to do with him but shortly it was like he changed. After our first time hanging out at the pool, he became gentle and caring, he does anything to make me happy. I think what got me to start falling for him was seeing a giant tank of a man clinging to a small woman as he slept. When he fell asleep on my lap he was really cute, just him sleeping at peace. Don't tell him I said that stuff please," I beg him.

He just chuckles and we bring the rest of the drinks over. Damien puts on a horror Christmas movie as he heats the romance once. We watch that before we all go and dig into dinner. I keep making drinks for those that want them. Dinner was amazing and getting to try the food everyone brought over was great. I was so happy to be here with such amazing people and no longer alone. We were having dessert as we all sat in the living room talking. We did start opening gifts to one another.

Everyone seemed to love their gifts as we all opened them, Damien tackled me when he opened his from me. I just laugh as he's now saying he is getting a bike now that he has a jacket to ride in. We all spent hours into the night till everyone had to leave. We all hug goodbye and wish them a happy new year. Damien and I go to our own rooms to get ready for bed. I leave Raidin's gift on my makeup table so I can give it to him tomorrow. I gather some clothes to sleep in and place them on the counter.

Taking the dress off and hanging it up before grabbing some makeup remover wipes. I clean my face of all my makeup and then hop into the shower. I scrub my hair and body with my favourite shampoo and body wash Marvin and his wife got me. I didn't take long as it was late so I stepped out when done and got dressed. Throwing track pants and a tank top on then head to the room.

I towel dry my hair when I scream seeing Raidin in my bed but I soon burst out laughing. All he had on was Christmas-themed boxers and a Santa hat on top of his head. I guess Damien knows he's here as he would have burst through the door by now hearing me scream. I walk over still laughing at the sight of him.

"Omg, where do you get these?" I pull the waistband of the underwear.

"I am not telling but do you like it?" He smirked.

"Yes, yes I do," I kissed him for a second.

I rush over and grab his gift before joining him on the bed, I sit right on his lap as I pass him the little wrapped box. He passes me a little gift bag at the same time. We both opened the gifts together and I was in awe at the anklet, seeing the engraved photo we took at the carnival made me start crying. He was checking out the watch I got him and seemed to like it. He puts his watch on and then helps put the anklet on my left ankle, I soon give him a tight hug and a big kiss.

"I love it, I love it, I love it, thank you. I will never take it off."

"And I love mine, the best watch I own now. Every time I look at it I will be reminded of my beautiful Sugarplum," He grabs me and lays back down with me on top of him. We kiss one another for a while before we drift off to sleep.

In the morning I wake up still on top of Raidin, I kiss his chest before carefully getting up to make breakfast. I go all out with bacon, sausage, eggs, toast and pancakes. I played some music softly so I didn't wake them up. I hum along to the music as I cook. I keep a close eye on everything so it doesn't burn. After a while, I start to plate the food to cook more, they're big guys and need a lot of food.

As I cracked more eggs into the pan I felt arms wrap around me. I knew it was Raidin as Damien it's that tall and he doesn't sneak up on me. He holds me close as I just cook the food. He squats down and nuzzles his head into my neck. I smile at his cute actions, I just turn my head and kiss the side of his. 

It didn't take long for the food to be done and Damien was awake. We all sit down at the table and dig into our breakfast. Damien had left to spend time with his girlfriend. He says bye and heads out leaving Raidin and me alone.

"So what do you want to do today, Sugarplum?"

"Shopping, it's boxing day and I wanna shop. If you wanna come with me, we can pack some leftovers and have a picnic somewhere," I smile.

"Anytime I get to spend with you is a perfect day," He leans over and kisses me.

I can feel my cheeks going with his words as I could agree with him on that. I smile and kiss his cheek.

"Alright let's freshen up and get dressed," I take his empty plate to clean them.

He kisses my cheek before heading to his apartment. I just realized he left and he was only in those Christmas underwear he was wearing last night. I laugh as I go to take a quick shower before getting into a cute outfit. Go with cute red jeans and long sleeve cute ear cat off-shoulder crop top pullover sweatshirt. I sit on the couch getting my red genuine suede leather fake fur boots. I start packing some leftovers into a bag so we can have a picnic.

I grab a jacket just in case it's colder than they say. I leave the room seeing him walking out. My eyes go over him in his blue jeans and a form-fitting white long-sleeve shirt. He chuckles and we wait for the elevator. He holds my waist as we walk on and goes to the parking garage. Some of the other tenants walk in and they chat with Raidin about their apartments. I just smile and wave hello as I haven't really talked to the other tenants. They seem really nice. We wave by as we make it to our stop and walk to the car.

I was driving this time so he wouldn't have to ask where I wanna go every few minutes. We head out stopping at random stores we pass by I think would have something I would like. While driving I would reach over and hold his hand as they are warm and I like holding them. He pulled my hand over and placed it on his bulge and I blush.

"Think you can handle this manual gear shift Sugarplum?"

The Mafia Boss Across the Hallحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن