Clingy drunk

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I take a go at mine before grabbing down some snacks we can eat. We bring everything to the living room and sit down. Grabbing the remote I look for something to watch as I see him on his phone.

"Whatcha doing?"

"Redirecting our food to your door and not mine. Don't think we want my famiglia to eat our food now, do we?" He raises a brow looking at me.

"Haha, I guess not."

We went with a movie to watch to let time pass as we wait when a knock on the door happened. I look at him and he just shakes his head no. One of his brothers spoke on the other side of the door.

Raidin leans over, "Close your eyes and cover your ears for me Sugarplum," He whispers.

I look at him confused and very hesitant to do it but I slowly do it anyway. I felt him get up off the couch and was gone for a little while. I just sit there with my eyes closed and ears covered. Soon I feel hands on my wrists and my hands get moved away from my ears.

"Thank you for trusting me, my little Sugarplum."

"Do I wanna know what went down?"

"You really don't, just trust me, but hey they won't bug us for a while."

He came back around the couch and sat down very close to me. I didn't bother moving away as I saw how that went in the pool. We went back to the movie and enjoyed our drinks. When we finish our drinks I'd ask if he wants another so I make what he asks.

After a while, our food arrived at the apartment and we set it out on the coffee table. It all was so good I tried each of the flavours he got and they were good. I had no problem with making the drinks but I did know my limit so soon I would switch over to soda or water.

Over the night I saw he was getting a little tipsy. At least he doesn't live far so he can walk back if he gets too drunk. He kept wanting more drinks so I gave him when I noticed he was really getting drunk I cut him off.

I take his glass and go back to the kitchen to clean it and get a glass of water. I walk back and place the glass in his hand. He takes a sip and looks at me, guess he's sober enough to know it's not booze.

"Hey don't give me that look you've had enough for tonight."

"Come on Sugarplum, give me more, your drinks are amazing," He hiccups as he leans into me.

"No, I am cutting you off, sir."

Before I had time to push him off me he wrapped his arms around my waist and held me tight. One arm wrapped around my lower back, the other resting on my knees. He laid his head down in my lap and then nuzzled the back of his head into my belly. I can see a dorky ass grin on his face as he's doing this as well. He better be lucky he's hot and cute right now.

"Raidin let go, if you wanna sleep go to your place and sleep."

"No, I want my Sugarplum."

I groan, "Note to self don't get him drunk or he becomes clingy... well more clingy than before."

I smile and shake my head as I don't think I'm getting out of this any time soon. I take a look at his full sleeve tattoo going from his hand all the way up to his shoulder. I glide my fingers over the lines tracing out the tattoo on his left arm. Around his hand, wrist and halfway up his forearm is a graveyard. There was a tree with no leaves with many ravens perched on the branches around his shoulder. Now I think back in the pool his entire torso and legs were covered in tattoos.

"Hmm I have money saved up, maybe I should get a tattoo done."

I lay my head back looking at the ceiling thinking about what I should get. I go through a list of cool tattoo ideas but none seem to work. I think of places I want to get them done, I know I want a spot that can be seen. My fingers are still gliding over his bicep as my other hand plays with his hair. I look back down to his resting face, moving the strands of hair that fell on his face. I smile. He has a resting face that says I'll kill you if you look at me wrong.

At the same time as he sleeps, it's kinda cute. A tank of a man that can break anything and kill anyone is here clinging to a small 5 foot 3 woman. I can't believe this is the same man that was beating another man's face the other night. 

The Mafia Boss Across the Hallحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن