Having fun with Gummy Bear

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After the walk around we looked at the booths with a bunch of cute handmade things. Raidin kept offering to get me things I showed interest in but I stopped him before he tried. I pull him away from the booths and we go over to look at the food stands to get something to eat as it was a little after lunch. I just go with chicken strips and fries, Raidin got a double patty burger and some fries. He got a beer in the 21-plus area, I was only allowed in cause I was with him and I had a soft drink.

"Think I need one of your drinks tonight, this has nothing on yours," He smirks as we sit down to eat.

"Haha, sure I have a drink idea I need to try out and I need my test subject." I laugh and shove a fry in my mouth.

"I am always down to taste test your drinks," He smiles while taking a bite of his burger.

"And I like when you do 'cause you tell me if it is good or not or if it's missing something. I like your honesty with me, yeah it might not be what I wanna hear but I need to hear it."

He smiles and we continue to eat our food. It didn't take us long to finish our food so we went back on our walk around. We tried a few of the games, some were wins but others were busts. I was just having so much fun, this was my first ever fair I have ever been to. My old hometown never had events like this 'cause of all the perverted freaks in town.

I was trying my hand at that bowling ball game and I was super focused. I tried a few times to get it but nothing, so I was gonna go for one more try. I soon feel Raidin push himself on my ass, startling me a little bit. I looked back at him but he wasn't even looking in my direction. I try to follow his eyes but I have no clue what he's looking at.

"Hello miss," I snapped my head around to the game runner telling me to pick a prize.

I noticed I got it with that and it makes me laugh so I just picked the grumpy octopus plushie. They pass it to me and I give it a tight squeeze in my arms. I stood back up and my back hit Raidin's abs and my head hit his chest as he was that close. I look back at him still seeing he was looking somewhere else. I turn around to face him and I try to look where he was but still nothing. I grabbed his hand but that didn't snap him out, now I was getting worried.

"Raidin?" I said as I was a little concerned.

"Hmm, yeah?" He didn't look at me as he replied.

"Everything ok?"

"Yeah," Still more focused on something else

"You sure, you're ok?"


I was getting a little annoyed so I reached up and pinched his cheek trying to get him to look at me.

"Someone's a grumpy Gummy Bear."

That got him to make a confused face and to slowly look down at me. I burst out laughing as he had a raised brow looking down at me.

"What did you just call me?" He tried to not chuckle.

"You heard me, my grumpy Gummy Bear. What were you so hyper-focused on?"

"Gummy Bear, really and nothing just wondering what Beaver Tails are."

"Oh they're a thing from Canada, it's not a real beaver tail. It's fried dough in the shape of one and you can get different toppings on it. And yes, a Gummy Bear, big and scary like a bear but soft and sweet like the candy." I grab his hand leading him to the Beaver Tail stand and I get two.

I get the classic cinnamon and sugar for him and I get myself an Oreo one. I pay for these since he pays for most of this stuff and I wanted to treat him to something. It took a moment for everything to cook before we got it and found somewhere to stand and eat.

He was looking at it questioning if he should take a bite or not. I just took a big bite of mine and smiled as it was so good. These were rare to have here but I got one whenever I saw them in the city. He finally took a bite and seemed to like it as he licked his lips off the sugar.

We just stand there eating the dessert when I see he's looking elsewhere again. I look around but see nothing out of the ordinary going on. I shrug it off as him just being in a place he's not used to being and his being paranoid. I went to take the last bite of mine and I got some of the icing on my nose making me laugh. I grab the napkins from my pocket but Raidin grabs my chin making me look up at him.

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