The First Day at Work

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After 2 weeks of settling in I started my job Marvin had me do test drinks to see what I could make. Even though I only worked at the bar for a year I learned a lot from the others. I was also a fast learner so that helped a lot. On day one I was just showing what I could make to Marvin and his friends.

"Ok so just make what drinks you know from your old job and if you want you can be creative with what we had provided. Have fun with it and get to work Sylvia," Marvin said with a smile.

I nodded and got to work with the easier drinks I know from my old job and made sure to make everyone a drink. I was so nervous as there was so much on the line right now. If I fail this Marvin can kick me out of here in a heartbeat. I really don't wanna go back to that crap town with all the perverts, druggies and alcoholics. With each drink, they always seemed to like it so I was getting hopeful and more confident with my skill.

With every drink, they were just getting more and more hammered by the minute. They didn't want to stop so I just kept going but when the guys started to randomly strip naked I called it for them. They, of course, didn't like their drinks being stopped but I didn't want to know what might happen if I kept going. I had to be stern about not making any more drinks for them.

"Y-you got the job, Sylvia," Marvin struggled to say as he was just so drunk.

I smiled as I was so happy I got the job, "Thank you so much, Marvin."

Marvin has one of the other bartenders show me around. She shows me around the different levels of the building. It was so cool seeing the aquarium in the middle of the building. It went from the main floor all the way to the roof with a bunch of different fish.

Each level is for different groups of people and the main level up to 3 is for kids' parties. Levels 4 to 9 are all for adult parties as they have alcohol and 4 to 6 are more proper business parties. Levels 7 to 9 are all rated 18 plus parties as there are shows with strippers. She shows me to the locker room where we all keep our stuff while working. They even added a name tag for me which was cool.

When the tour was over Marvin let me and Damien go back home for us to rest for my real first day of work. I thank him again for giving me such an amazing opportunity to work here. We shake hands and so Damien and I leave for the parking garage. I still get scared in cars even after like 14 years. Luckily Damien is a great driver and I feel safe in them.

"Hey, how about I get us some Chinese food for dinner tonight? I feel like I owe you for the past few weeks you making dinner for us," Damien offers.

"Sure that sounds good to me, I haven't had Chinese food in a few years." My stomach growled loudly at that.

"Well looks like your stomach agreed with you on that," He smiles for the first time since I met him.

He has a really cute smile when he isn't at rest. Soon he pulled into a Chinese food place and I just sat in the car as he went into order. I just play with my phone as I wait and look around to see what the plaza has in it. I spot a group of guys leaving the convenience store and making their way toward the car. I go back to my phone playing my game as I see Damien inside waiting for the food.

"Hurry up, I'm hungry," I get a little hangry.

I jump tearing a tap on the window and I look out to see those guys leaning on the car smirking. I just look back down at my phone and ignore the men as I didn't want to talk to them. They just keep tapping the window and waving their hands to get my attention.

S: Damien please help

I look inside and I see Damien take his phone out and his head snapped around to the car. He rushed out and started to confront the men.

"Hey back off my fucking truck assholes and leave her alone," He shouts.

"They fuck man, calm down we just wanna ask her something," One of the guys said.

"I said leave my girl alone or you'll be in a world of hurt. She's happily taken so fuck off," I see Damien putting his hands into fists.

They just start fighting and Damien just starts knocking them out could. I just sit there stunned at what the fuck I just witnessed. Damien just goes into the building, grabs our food and comes back to the truck. He passes me the food and starts the car up, then leaves. I looked at his hands and his knuckles were bleeding heavily.

"D-Damien your knuckles..."

"Don't worry about it," He said and I just went quiet.

I just stay quiet till we make it back home. I kept looking at his knuckles which were still bleeding and he wasn't doing anything to stop it. When we got into the apartment my first thought was to bandage. I put the food on the counter and go to get the first aid kit from the bathroom.

"Sit down right now and I'm going to treat those hands. You are not gonna stop me, Damien," I put the kit down on the counter.

He just sits on the stool at the island and holds his hands out. I get to work cleaning his hands and making sure nothing would get infected.

"Thank you for what you did Damien," I give him a smile.

"You're welcome and sorry for saying, my girl."

"It's ok I get you to say it hoping they'd leave."

Once I wasn't with his hands we gotta eat the food that was torturing us. It was just smelling so good as I bandaged his hands. We put an action movie on in the living room and dug into the food.

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