She's Found

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Rix's POV:

I yawn as it was a little late driving back when I spot a bar open so I pull over and get out. I stretch being on the road for hours and still have 2 more to go. I get my phone out and text Boss I'll be staying at a hotel tonight as I can't drive another minute.

"Take a seat anywhere you'd like sir."

I heard a sweet voice speak to me so I took a look up and I went wide-eyed seeing her. My mouth dropped to the floor as she stood there with a crown on her head. I can't believe I found her after 6 long years of looking for her. I did as she said and sat at the furthest table from the bar but still had a clear line of sight.

"What can I get started for you today, sugar?" A waitress asked as she passed a menu.

"Bartender's recommendation please," I give her a wink and I call up, boss.

I put my earpiece in so only I can hear him. I don't want her running away if she were to hear his voice over the phone.

"What ya want now Rix I was about to take a shower?" He was clearly angry at me.

"Don't think you're gonna take that shower boss," I grin and turn my camera on.

"The hell do you mean by that I'm soaked in blood so why wouldn't I need a shower?"

"Check your phone you'll see soon enough as to why," I flip to the back camera and zoom in on her.

I try to make it not so obvious I was aiming my camera at the bar. I just lean on the table arm extended as I wait for him to open his phone.

"This better be good Rix or I... N-No way you found her!" He said shocked.

I see the waitress bring my drink so I flip the camera back to me as I take the drink from her.

"It's called the Howler, a drink made by our own bartender Sylv's," She said before walking away.

"It is her, dude you are getting a big fat raise for this. Text me the location I'll be on my way asap," He said tossing his phone and I heard him rushing to get dressed.

"Better hurry, they're closing in less than an hour and it's a 2 hours drive here," I warn him knowing he's not gonna make it.

"I don't care even if you have to follow her to her house, do it. Do not lose her," He orders.

"Yes, Boss I'll do as you wish. Address sent to you, see you in 2 hours or less," I hang up as I just sit there and take my first sip.

I knew he wasn't gonna be here in 2 hours with traffic leaving the city at this hour. I nearly choked as it was so strong, damn now I see why the boss loved her drinks. Tastes amazing yet has a strong kick. I just sat there taking drinks so I didn't seem creepy as to why I was nowhere. It was like 5 minutes to closing when I spotted King Golina Nousre walking into the bar. I put my shades down as he's seen me many times as he is close friends with the Scarpelli family.

What the hell is the king doing in a place like this? I see him walk to the bar right up to Sylvia asking to talk to her. She didn't look happy to see him at all. I sink into my seat as I text boss about what's happening right now.

"How the fuck did you find me, get out right now," She shouts at the king and points t the door.

"Please Miss Sylvia, let's talk to you about what happened back at your old job. I really am your father, I am not lying to you about that," The king pleads with her.

"You have 5 minutes to explain yourself," She said, sounding annoyed with him.

I see them take a seat at an empty table when I was asked to pay my tab and leave. I did as I was told and paid them before leaving for the door. Before leaving I see her holding a photo and start crying. I tried to get a glimpse of the photo but I couldn't at the angle. I sit in my car keeping an eye on the front door to make sure to follow them if they leave.

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