The Job Offer of a Lifetime

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It was hard finding a job in this town but I got one as a bartender. I hated this town so much as it was filled with creeps, drunks and druggies. At Least 5 times a night we female bartenders get hit on or touched by them. We had to up the protection by getting a few more guards.

I am the youngest one working there. I didn't mind as everyone I work with are nice people and they protect me. One day a very wealthy man came up to the bar asking for a drink. I get it ready for him doing our normal bar tricks to make it a show. I could tell he was not from here with that expensive watch on his wrist. I knew someone here would want to steal that if he isn't careful. I finish the drink and glide the glass with a charming smile.

"Enjoy, handsome," I went off to the next customer.

The night calmed down as it was close to closing but there were a few stand-alone customers and a few were passed out drunk. I noticed that the man was still there with 5 others sitting at a table. I and a few others start to put everything up for the night. I get the staggered beer bottles on the floor. I chuckle watching the guards dragging out the drunks. It's always funny to see it. We have our playlist going so we can have fun while we clean up.

"Hey Miss with the short hair, come here for a moment." A voice said, making me and 3 other girls with short hair look up. "Oh um purple hair, green eyes."

I get up and look at the girls confused and scared but I walk over, "How may I help you today sir?"

"What's your name and how old are you?" The guy with the expensive watch asked.

"Um Sylvia and I'm 19, why must you know?" I crossed my arms wondering where this was gonna go.

"I'm Marvin Gaines, CEO and owner of The Aquarium Venues in the city a little over an hour away." He pulled out a card from his breast pocket and passed it to me. "I want to ask if you would like a better job than this shithole?" He smiles.

"Why do you want a small-town girl, wouldn't you want models for this place? It looks hella expensive." I hold the card between my index and middle finger looking it over.

"'Cause those girls have no clue how to make a mean drink like you do. Also those moves you have behind the bar would work for what I want. So what do you say? I can pay you quadruple of what your boss is paying you here, just for one party per hour." He leans closer, placing his elbows on his knees while looking into my eyes.

I just go into shock hearing he's willing to pay that much just for a few drinks he's tried. He has to be drunk for him to offer this. I am nothing special, just a short nobody, I haven't even kissed anyone and he wants me. I look from the card to him again and back to the card. Any of the other girls would make a lot more scenes as they were far prettier than I am.

"I-I don't know, I can't afford to move to the city. I can hardly afford my current place." I place the card on the table, "Sorry I think you're better off with someone better looking and talented than me." I go to walk away but he takes my hand.

"Well if you don't see yourself as beautiful you should get your eyes checked. I'll pay for you to move to the city on top of paying you for the job." He shot a smile, holding my hand and stroking it with the other.

'I need the money and to get out of this town to get away from these creeps, be perfect. A place to live, all expenses paid for and it's within the city, this would be amazing and I get paid for my work.' I think of all the pros and cons of this. The pros outweigh the cons so I look into his brown eyes. "Deal I'm in," I grip his hand, shaking it.

He got up and I stumbled back seeing how big this man really is. It's either he's a beast or I am really just that short at 5'3. I guess he saw my shock and he chucked. The rest of the men he was with stood up and they were all tall as hell. Marvin orders me to show him where my boss is so I do that. I take all 6 of them to my boss's office, Marvin has me stay outside the office as they talk. The girls run over and we start talking. We all wanted to leave this town so one of us and it's great news.

I hugged them all as I was gonna miss them so much. We all freeze when we hear shouting going on inside. Boss was not happy about me leaving but he's the biggest creep of them all. He'd grab at us wanting us to sleep with him even though he was married. We snitched to his wife and she left him. She kept it under wraps how she found out so we didn't get fired for telling. The door swings open and I see Boss is out cold over his desk and Marvin's knuckles were bleeding or covered in blood.

"Come, we leave tonight for your new place," He walks off fixing his suit.

I give all the girls one last hug before following him to his car. My mouth dropped seeing his car. What else was I gonna think he drives other than an expensive sports car? He unlocks it and opens the passenger-side door. I thank him and get in, he closes the door as I buckle in. He gets into the driver's seat and 2 men get in the back seat. He has me put in my home address so we can gather my things.

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